15. 12. 2017    ISSUE 4

Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project 2017-18: Phase One Completed

The Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project 2017-18 organised by this Centre aims at providing docent training to CUHK students who will then design and lead theme-based cultural tours for secondary students.  Participants of the guided tours will gain in-depth knowledge about the history of Hong Kong and listen to the stories from local people.

Launched in October 2017, the Project has offered a series of training workshops that covered research techniques, strategy of itinerary design, and presentation skills, etc. to 40 students to become docents.  Besides, these students joined the Old Town Central guided tour organised by Walk in Hong Kong, partner of this Project, in mid-November.  They paid visits to the Central and Sheung Wan districts with two veteran docents to review the history of Hong Kong over the past century and acquire tour guiding skills.

Phase two of docent training will take place in January and February 2018, whereby the participating students are expected to finalise their route design and tour details, and get themselves prepared for the actual cultural tours to be held from March to May.

Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project 2017-18: Phase One Completed

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I·CARE Theatre - Glitter in the Gloom

"Report of Experiential Learning Activities" for Students Graduated in 2018

I·CARE Achievers Programme: Trial Activities

"S.I. Leadership Workshop" and "S.I. Leadership Award"

I·CARE Community Research Scheme: Full Steam Ahead

Community Engagement Workshops 2017-18: Second Session Completed

Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project 2017-18: Phase One Completed

Supporting I·CARE by the Purchase of "CUHK ACTIVE CAMPUS" Calendar


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