25. 11. 2018    ISSUE 13

S.I. Leadership Award 2018-19: Open for Application Now

The Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK, which is a subsidiary of this Centre, has introduced the S.I. Leadership Award for application by the CUHK students and alumni who are interested in social innovation.  Through training, mentorship and competition, this award scheme encourages participants to advance existing services or products to meet social needs.  The participants will gain more in-depth knowledge of the underprivileged and adopt people-oriented approach to address social challenges.  The S.I. Leadership Award of 2018-19 is now open for application.  Details are as follows:


1.Each team must consist of 2 to 10 participants, at least half of which are CUHK students or
2.Participant is not allowed to join more than one team
3.All participants must have attended S.I. Leadership Workshop* - Design Thinking (I)
4.The project has not received CUSE Fund** under the Social Enterprise Startup Scheme run
by this Centre
5.The project cannot apply for S.I. Leadership Award and CUSE Fund simultaneously


14 - 25 January 2019:Interview
January - May 2019:S.I. Leadership Workshop II
Mid-June 2019:Submission of operation plan (exact dates to be announced in the
Early-July 2019:Presentation (exact dates to be announced in the interview)

Project requirement

To leverage social innovation to provide solution to the poverty issue

Judging criteria

1.Idea - including familiarity with the community issue; feasibility and effectiveness of the
intervention; degree of integrating social resources; and understanding of the team's capability
2.Action - project planning and execution ability


1.A maximum of HK$160,000 as seed money
2.Overseas exchange and continuous training opportunities


The scheme will be conducted in Cantonese


Please click here to register online


11:59 pm of 14 January 2019

If you have any enquiry, please contact Mr. Or of this Centre at 3943 3227 (Tel) or timothycnor@cuhk.edu.hk (Email), or click here to visit the Facebook page of Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK.


* Introduction of S.I. Leadership Workshop can be learnt from https://goo.gl/jzDu5K
** Introduction of CUSE Fund can be learnt from https://goo.gl/RjnX2d


# Please click the image at the top-right corner to view the full poster.

S.I. Leadership Award 2018-19: Open for Application Now

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Table of Contents


Value Exploration Series under I·CARE Achievers Programme - Remoulding Camp

CUSE Fund 2018-19: Open for Application Now

Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Services Project: Volunteer Recruitment

The Second Survey by Questionnaire on Students' Holistic Competencies

I·CARE Giveaway: Let Our Heart Breathe Illustrated Booklet

Roving Exhibition of Hong Kong Red Cross's Humanity Wall

S.I. Leadership Award 2018-19: Open for Application Now

University Lecture on Civility 2018: Nicely Concluded

I·CARE Community Research Scheme: Progress Update

The Core Group under I·CARE Achievers Programme: Officially Formed

I·CARE Theatre - When They Met in the Fall

I·CARE Salon (14th Session) - A Tribute to the Enlighteners

"Fitness x Mentorship" Scheme: Smoothly Launched

Blood and Book Giving - A Challenge of Blood Donation Relay: Enthusiastically Received

S.I. Leadership Workshop: Successfully Held

Event Calendar


Past Issue