中大尤努斯社會事業中心 - 社創領袖獎報名表 Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK - S.I. Leadership Award Registration Form

2019–20 社創領袖獎:現正接受報名!


1. 每隊最少二人,最多十人,隊伍中起碼一半人為中大學生或校友
2. 參加者只能隸屬一隊
3. 項目未曾在本中心的「社會企業起動計劃」獲「中大社企基金」**支持
4. 項目不能同時申請「社創領袖獎」及「中大社企基金」

2020 年 1 月份        :面試
2020 年 1 至 5 月      :「社創領袖工作坊系列 II 」
2020 年 6 月上旬       :提交計劃書(實際日期在面試中公佈)
2020年 6 月中旬        :報告(實際日期在面試中公佈)


1. 可執行性;
2. 社會創新度;及
3. 團隊整合度。

1. 高達十六萬種子基金
2. 海外交流及持續培訓機會


2020年 1 月 13 日晚上 11 時 59 分

查詢請以 3943 3229(電話)或 ysbc@cuhk.edu.hk(電郵)聯絡本中心。


**「中大社企基金」介紹詳見 https://goo.gl/RjnX2d

S.I. Leadership Award 2019-2020 is open for application!

The Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK, which is a subsidiary of this Centre, has introduced the S.I. Leadership Award for application by the CUHK students and alumni who are interested in social innovation. Through training, mentorship and competition, this award scheme encourages participants to advance existing services or products to meet social needs. The participants will gain more in-depth knowledge of the underprivileged and adopt people-oriented approach to address social challenges. The S.I. Leadership Award of 2019-20 is now open for application. Details are as follows:

1. Each team must consist of 2 to 10 participants, at least half of which are CUHK students or alumni
2. Participant is not allowed to join more than one team
3. The team has not received CUSE Fund** under the Social Enterprise Startup Scheme run by this Centre
4. The project cannot apply for CUSE Fund and S.I. Leadership Award simultaneously

January 2020 : Interview
January – May 2020  : S.I. Leadership Workshop Series II
Early–June 2020    : Submission of operation plan (Exact dates to be announced in the interview)
Mid–June 2020    : Presentation (Exact dates to be announced in the interview)

Expectation on the project
To leverage social innovation to provide solution to the poverty issue

Judging criteria
1. Implementation;
2. Degree of Social Innovation; and
3. Capability of the team.

1. A maximum of HK$160,000 as seed money
2. Overseas exchange and continuous training opportunities

The scheme will be conducted in Cantonese

11:59 pm of 13 Jan 2020

If you have any enquiry, please contact us at 3943 3229 (Tel) or ysbc@cuhk.edu.hk (Email), or click here to visit the Facebook page of Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK.

I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

*Introduction of S.I. Leadership Workshop can be learnt from https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/mycuform/view.php?id=372155
**Introduction of CUSE Fund can be learnt from https://goo.gl/RjnX2d