The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
May 01, 2012 Volume 69
Office of Academic Links(China)
The 4th Writers @CUHK

The fourth Writers @CUHK Programme was held in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 18 April 2012. The programme was co-organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of CUHK and the Chinese Writers Press Group with the support from the Office of Academic Links (China) of CUHK. Guests paying visit to CUHK this time were Mr. Zhang Wei, a renowned Chinese writer, and Mr. Meng Fanhua, famous Chinese Literature critic.

The two guests delivered lectures and shared their views in novel writing and literature criticism with audience on CUHK campus. The lectures attracted about 150 attendees, including academics from CUHK, teachers and students of secondary schools and people from general public. Mr. Zhang and Mr. Meng also met with representatives from Chinese Language and Literature Department of CUHK for academic exchange. 

CUHK representatives warmly welcome the two writers

Mr. Meng Fan Hua

Mr. Zhang Wei

:: Back to This Issue
:: CUHK Opens Taiwan Research Centre
:: 2012 Academia Sinica Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series Successfully Held
:: Visit of President of Taiwan Cheng Kung University
:: Delegation from Tianjin Municipal Committee
:: Visit of Vice-President of China Agriculture University
:: Joint Research Seminar in Beihang University
:: Delegation of Zhejiang University Visits CUHK
:: Delegation from Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology
:: The 4th Writers @CUHK
:: Other Important Visits
:: Forthcoming Activities
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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