The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Feb 01, 2019 Volume 153
Office of Academic Links(China)
Strategic Outreaching Trips

1. Vice-Chancellor of CUHK Visits Guangzhou to Foster Research Collaboration
2. Pro-Vice-Chancellor Isabella Poon Visits Beijing to Strengthen Academic Exchange
3. CUHK Joins the Greater Bay Area University Online Open Course Alliance


Vice-Chancellor of CUHK Visits Guangzhou to Foster Research Collaboration

Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) visited Guangzhou on 4 January. He met with Dr. Zhang Shuofu, Party Secretary of Guangzhou City; Prof. Pei Duanqing, former Director of the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and current Director of Key Laboratory of Regenerative Biology of CAS; and Dr. Hou Hong Ming, Deputy Party Secretary of GIBH, CAS. CUHK members including Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Ms. Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China) accompanied the visit.

During the meeting, the two sides examined from various directions in strengthening linkage between Guangdong and Hong Kong in terms of curriculum building, student interflow and talent nurturing. Potential cooperation plans were put forward in the discussion. The visit facilitated establishment of links and enabled a better understanding of the recent developments in the two regions, enhancing communication for further advancement of collaboration.


Pro-Vice-Chancellor Isabella Poon Visits Beijing to Strengthen Academic Exchange

Professor Isabella Poon, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) led a delegation to Beijing on 10 – 12January to visit Peking University and Tsinghua University. In the delegation comprised Prof. Irwin King, Associate Dean of Engineering (Education); Prof. Tang Sze Wing and Prof. Zhang Jian, Department Chairman and Professor of Chinese Language and Literature; Prof. Pan Haihua and Prof. Peggy Mok, Department Chairman and Associate Professor of Linguistics and Modern Languages; Prof. Song Zheng, Professor of Department of Economics; and Prof. Chen Nan, Associate Professor of Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management.

Prof. Isabella Poon met with Prof. Gong Qihuang, Vice President of Peking University and Prof. Yang Bin, Vice President of Tsinghua University respectively during the visit, with discussions featuring curriculum collaboration held. The institutions expressed hopes for enhancing deep and strategic collaboration projects based on current solid foundation. 

Both Peking University and Tsinghua University are close partners of CUHK. CUHK has long been in strong ties with various universities and research institutes in Beijing.  The University has achieved fruitful results with its counterparts in a wide variety of areas including scholar exchange, student interflow, research collaboration and joint programmes. This visit further contributed to the consolidation of the University's current collaborative efforts with Beijing partners and promoted closer linkage in different fields for partnership development.


CUHK Joins the Greater Bay Area University Online Open Course Alliance

Professor Isabella Poon, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) participated in the Standing Member Meeting of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area University Online Open Course Alliance.  The meeting officially announced the participation of CUHK as the Vice-Chairman Institution of the Alliance.

Representatives from member institutions attended the meeting at Jinan University  to exchange ideas and proposals of future collaboration under the Alliance. Prof. Isabella Poon shared with participants a range of characteristic cooperation plans gathered from universities of Hong Kong and Macao, and expressed views in the joint construction and sharing model of future online open courses.

Established in November 2018, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area University Online Open Course Alliance aims to bring together the advantages of universities in the area to promote integration of information technology and teaching so as to improve the quality of online open courses and to foster sharing of top curriculum resources. Through the effective joint construction and sharing of online courses, comprehensive training of talents can be achieved, leading to a new teaching ecology of higher education in the regions.

Professor Rocky S.  Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and Professor T.F. Fok, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK  visit Guangzhou to Foster Research Collaboration

Professor Poon (middle), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, leads a delegation to Department of Chinese Language and Literature of PKU

Professor Poon meets with Vice President Gong Qihuang and members of PKU

CUHK delegation visits Department of Computer Science and Technology of Tsinghua University

Meeting of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area University Online Open Course Alliance

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