Foreword |
Dear readers,
On 17 April, I attended the CUHK Sports Team Annual Dinner in which more than 400 student athletes turned up to celebrate their championships received and excellent performance in inter-university sports competitions. The triumphant laughter, great pride and sheer sportsmanship displayed in the event have lingered for a long while in my mind. I found it out of the blue that these young adults had shown much reverence for their coaches and team managers. They looked willing and accustomed to attribute their achievements to those who had guided them to pursue sports. Many of them expressed immense gratitude to their athletic mentors openly. The song "Happy Birthday to You" sung along with the cheers and whistles by one team after another to the birthday person, who had trained mainly soccer players, rent the air of Yeung Ming Biu Indoor Sports Centre where the dinner took place.
I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project: Extra Tours for CUHK Members Only |
The exclusive tour for CUHK members themed "Public Space in To Kwa Wan" under the I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project 2018-19 was successfully conducted on the 19th of this month. In view of the overwhelming response, this Centre will organise two additional tours of the same kind next month. Details are as follows:
ELA Report for Collection of Prospective Graduates |
The University, through this Centre, generates Report of Experiential Learning Activities (ELA Report) to help its graduates better prepare for career development and further studies. Graduating students of the 2nd term of 2018-19 (based on the graduate list from Registration and Examinations Section, Registry) may make on-line application here by 2 August 2019 (Friday). One copy of this report will then be issued to the applicant free of charge.
I·CARE Giveaway: Storybook on《十緣 ‧ 六份》 |
This Centre is giving away free storybook《十緣 ‧ 六份》to CUHK students. By assembling interviews of retailers, service recipients, students, and partner organisations of the "Community Food Inter-Net" project, this book presents 16 stories of community food collection and distribution.
CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2019 |
The CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2019, organised by CUHK Alumni Torch Fund, will be held during 10-11 May at Lee Shau Kee Building. As one of the co-organisers of the event, this Centre hopes to share our experience in operating the "Social Enterprise Startup Scheme" and "S.I. Leadership Award Scheme".
The 4th I·CARE Book Festival: Curtain Rung Down |
Themed "Reading is Voyaging through Time and Space", the 4th I·CARE Book Festival consists of a "Book Crossing Pavilion", 14 "Book Talks", "Preferential Offer of New Books" and the "Film Screening of The Reader". It had lasted for three weeks and was nicely concluded on the 28th of March. It is believed to have successfully fostered a culture of literacy on campus and connected different CUHK people through the sharing of books.
L.O.V.E. in F.R.A.M.E.S. with Eason Chan: Nicely Concluded |
The L.O.V.E. in F.R.A.M.E.S. with Eason Chan held at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall on the 2nd of this month is the last station of the "L.O.V.E. in F.R.A.M.E.S. University Tour" which consisted of a music documentary screening and a post-screening discussion. Placed under the "Value Exploration Series" of the I·CARE Achievers Programme, this activity received overwhelming response of over 1,000 CUHK students and staff.
A Walk in Community with I·CARE: Last Two Sessions Completed |
The third and final sessions of A Walk in Community with I·CARE organised by this Centre were successfully held in March and April respectively.
I·CARE Theatre: Ended for Now |
The final screening of I·CARE Theatre in this academic year, Lou Ye's Summer Palace, was held on the 17th of this month at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. It attracted an attendance of over 500 CUHK students, staff and alumni. A post-screening sharing session was specially arranged. The host Prof. Chow Po-chung of the Department of Government and Public Administration had an intense and meaningful discussion with the audience.
"Fitness x Mentorship" Scheme: Smoothly Concluded |
Following the enthusiastic response to the "Fitness x Mentorship" Scheme of the 1st term, the scheme has been re-run since mid-February and continued to gain popular support from students. This scheme allows students to pair up with various members of the community to undergo basic training of a sports item, either running, hiking or bowling, in order to promote a healthy lifestyle.
I·CARE Community Research Scheme: Turning Study into Actions |
Members of the I·CARE Community Research Scheme of this academic year have already completed a series of interviews and data analysis for their respective studies featuring "the Pattern of Hidden Elderly in Public Estates" and "the Child Caretaker in Grass-roots Families". They just moved on to planning for social intervention.
I·CARE Salon (17th Session): A Hundred Year's Reflection towards 1919 |
The I·CARE Salon had its 17th session successfully held on the 12th of this month drawing an attendance of over 170 students, staff, alumni as well as members from the public.
Social Business Regional Forum 2019 |
The Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK, which is a subsidiary of this Centre, organised the Social Business Regional Forum 2019: Inclusive Social Innovation and University Social Responsibility on the 5th to 7th of this month. Scholars and the youth of six units (either university or social innovation institution) from Hong Kong, the Mainland and Taiwan were invited to the forum comprising a two-day workshop and a symposium held on the last day.
Event Calendar |
Please click on the image below for more information.
