------------------------------------------- 學生活動 ------------------------------------------- 20th ASEF Summer University through China, Mongolia and Russian Federation |
The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) has been organising bi-regional projects in the fields of student mobility and higher education cooperation since 1997. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the ASEF Summer University Programme, ASEF will organise a 2-week educational train journey for students and young professionals on the topic "Gateways to Asia and Europe: Connectivity by Land, Sea and Air" in August/September 2016 through China, Mongolia and the Russian Federation.
Call for Nominations/ Entries of Mobile Apps Projects for Cyberport mYouth Mobile App Code Jam Competition |
Hong Kong New
Emerging Technology Education Association (HKNETEA) will hold the Cyberport
mYouth App Code Jam Competition 2016 on 16-17 April 2016 at CyberPort
「閩」化行 ── 福建另類旅遊體驗團 |
香港大學生軍事生活體驗營 |
九龍總商會新紀元精英培訓計劃 2016 |
Save the date for Swim for Millions 2016 - Sunday 30 October |
There is no better way to challenge yourself yet have a fun morning with family and friends than to join the 2016 Community Chest Wheelock Swim for Millions.
------------------------------------------- 文化交流 ------------------------------------------- 借用 i-LOUNGE 作文化活動場地 |
The i-LOUNGE, located at the 3/F of Yasumoto International Academic Park, serves as a leisure and comfortable venue where students come to gather and exchange their thoughts. It also provides an ideal place for students and staff to organize activities which facilitate cultural exchange, exposure and integration.
「友凝‧友義」校園巡迴展覽 |
Coordinated by the Office of Student Affairs, CLOVER (Community + Local & Overseas students + Volunteers = Everlasting Relationship) debuting in 2009 is a campus-wide cultural diversity cum voluntary service programme in which local, mainland and overseas students join hands to conduct community service to the people in our society.
i-LOUNGE文化活動(2016年4月) |
Three more global engagement events will be held before end of this academic year. Let's check-in Hong Kong, Europe and Central America at i-LOUNGE in April!
------------------------------------------- 非本地生活動 ------------------------------------------- 「薪夥計劃」閉幕禮 |
中大接待家庭計劃團聚晚宴 |
Incoming Students Section of the Office of Student Affairs is going to organize
a reunion dinner on campus for our host families and non-local students on 11
April 2016 (Monday).
內地本科生學習分享會 |
------------------------------------------- 活動資助 ------------------------------------------- 2015-16國際化活動基金 |
Purpose: The Internationalization Activity
Fund aims to support students to organize activities which promote
internationalization and inter-cultural exchange opportunities among members of
the University community.
學生活動資助計劃 |
Amidst the
growing number of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) joining our CUHK
family, the University hopes to support activities which would raise campus
concern for SEN and build a more caring community in CUHK. We now invite student
bodies to submit proposals on projects aiming at promoting understanding of and
support to students with SEN. Sponsorship will be provided to the selected
------------------------------------------- 領袖培訓 ------------------------------------------- 學生領袖培訓計劃 ── 四月活動預報 |
------------------------------------------- 就業發展 ------------------------------------------- 北京中關村人才招聘交流活動 |
7 leading
corporations from Beijing Zhungguancun, "China's Silicon Valley", are coming to
CUHK to bring the diversified career opportunities to undergraduate and
postgraduate students.
四月之就業培訓活動及招聘講座 |
The Career Planning and Development Centre (CPDC) is going to organize a number of guidance programmes and recruitment talks in April 2016 as follows.
------------------------------------------- 學生輔導 ------------------------------------------- 學生發展活動 |
In April, the Student Counselling and Development Service will hold the following event for students to facilitate their personal growth and self-enhancement.
------------------------------------------- 殘疾學生支援 ------------------------------------------- 殘疾學生支援服務 |
To ensure
timely arrangements, students in need of support services are strongly
encouraged to contact Ms. Jasvinda Ng, the Disability Services Manager, by phone
at 3943 4766 or email sdss@cuhk.edu.hk as early as possible.
uShine SEN 義工服務隊 |
Knight in the darkness, Experience using guide dogs