2019 No.1
Academic reflection: 網絡理論、情節分析︰從侶倫《窮巷》電影劇本出土說起 |
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Event: The Life of Guangzhou Gentry on the Eve of the First Opium War—A Study of Xie Lansheng's Changxingxingzhai Diary 常惺惺齋日記 |
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Event: "For Blessings and Guidance: The Qianlong Emperor's Design for State Sacrificial Vessels" opening ceremony, Art Museum |
The opening ceremony for the exhibition, "For Blessings and Guidance: The Qianlong Emperor's Design for State Sacrificial Vessels", was held on 25 January 2019.
Event: Ancient Chinese Gold Techniques Lecture Series, Art Museum |
There are numerous links between science and art, one of which being the use of scientific means to examine ancient artworks. On 4 January 2019 (Friday), experts from Mainland China were invited to talk at the Art Museum's "Ancient Chinese Gold Techniques Lecture Series". Chen Jianli (Professor, School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University) discussed "Goldworking Techniques in Pre-Qin China", while Yao Zhihui (Professor, School of History, Zhengzhou University) offered "An Analysis of Tang-Dynasty Accessories Decorated with Gold Granules," attracting an audience of 74 people. |
Event: "Jewels of Transcendence" Lecture Series, Art Museum |
The second and third sessions of the "Jewels of Transcendence" Lecture Series were held on 11 January and 1 February respectively. The former featured Dr. Huang Yangxing (Head of Ancient Art Department, Shenzhen Museum) with the topic "The World of Mandala: On the Tibetan Buddhist Ritual Implements and Iconography of the Mengdiexuan Collection" and was attended by 55 at Tsimshatsui Book Centre, The Commercial Press. The latter consisted of talks by Prof. Xu Xiaodong (Associate Director, Art Museum, CUHK) and Dr. Zhan Zhenpeng (Ph.D. in Art History, Department of Fine Arts, CUHK) at LT5, Cheng Yu Tung Building, CUHK, drawing a crowd of 71. |
Event: "Jewels of Transcendence" Special Tour, Art Museum |
The special gallery tour offered by masters of the Mengdiexuan Collection scheduled on 1 February was so well-received that it was fully enrolled even before the poster was put on the Art Museum's Facebook page. With the consent of the collectors, we opened another session for 15 February, which was equally popular. Two tours together provided 75 participants with the collectors' insights into the exhibits on show at the Art Museum. |
Event: Fai Chun Writing to Celebrate Chinese New Year, Art Museum |
Instructors and students from the "ICS Chinese Culture Series: Chinese Calligraphy Workshop" were invited to write Fai Chun at participants' requests on 16 January 2019 (Wed). Participants were encouraged to try their hands on writing Fai Chun themselves, too. |
Event: Life and Arts in Pre-Modern China, Art Museum |
In the traditional discourse of Chinese painting, it was believed that an artist should " learn from the Nature externally and trace the source of their own heart internally " 外師造化,中得心源. Unfortunately, with the enormous temporal and geographical differences, both the Nature and the "heart-source" of the ancient masters, as well as their techniques in articulating the two, appear to be unapproachable to us in the modern age. Likewise, the field's ambiguous meta-language, with expressions like 氣韻生動 (infusing ch'i to show lively movement) or 意趣 (subtle charm resulted from spontaneity), can also be a hurdle to uninitiated students.
Event: "For Blessings and Guidance" Symposium , Art Museum |
To promote the study of Qing ritual vessels, the Art Museum organized the "For Blessings and Guidance" symposium for experts worldwide to share their latest research findings on the subject. The keynote speech was made by Dr. Iain Clark, an independent scholar, on 25 January (Friday) at L1, Institute of Chinese Studies. It was attended by 53 people. The panel discussions were held the next day in the conference room at East Wing, Art Museum. Presenters included (ordered by the stroke numbers of Chinese surnames): Prof. Wang Guanyao (Research Associate, Palace Museum, Beijing), Dr. Wu Hsiao-yun (Research Associate, Palace Museum, Taipei), Prof. Shih Ching-fei and Prof. Chen Fang-mei (Professors, Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University), Prof. Lu Minghua (Research Fellow, Shanghai Museum), and Prof. Lai Hui-min (Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica). It was attended by 28 specialists and art students.
Event: Opening Ceremony of "Strokes of Wonder: Figure Painting by Ren Bonian from the National Art Museum of China", Art Museum |
The opening ceremony for the exhibition "Strokes of Wonder: Figure Painting by Ren Bonian from the National Art Museum of China" was held on 20 March 2019.
Event: Xuanhuitang Lecture Series, Art Museum |
The lecture series on the art of Ren Bonian, generously supported by Xuanhuitang, is scheduled from March to August this year. The impressive speaker list consists of top scholars from The National Art Museum of China, The Palace Museum in Beijing and Taipei, Academia Sinica, University of Edinburgh, and Department of Fine Arts, CUHK. The first lecture, titled "The Art of Ren Bonian from a Sculptor's Perspective", was delivered by Prof. Wu Weishan, Director of National Art Museum of China and world-acclaimed contemporary Chinese sculptor, on 20 March (Wednesday) at L1, Institute of Chinese Studies, attracting an audience of 87. |
Event: Linguistics Seminars and the 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Language, T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre |
The following seminars were organized by Office of Academic Links (China), co-organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and supported by the T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre:
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Event: Greater Bay Area Chinese Forum: The First Gathering of Representatives of Chinese Departments in the Region, T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre |
The "Greater Bay Area Chinese Forum" was held on 23 March 23 2019 at CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute (SZRI). It was organized by the Research Centre for Linguistics, SZRI; co-organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK, the Department of Chinese, Sun Yat-sen University, and the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Macau; and sponsored by T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK. |
Event: The 15th Graduate Seminar on China, Universities Service Centre for China Studies |
To promote the study of contemporary China and encourage academic exchange among scholars at home and abroad, the Universities Service Centre for China Studies and the Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies have jointly organized the Graduate Seminar on China (GSOC) since 2004. With the generous sponsorship and supports from the CUHK-Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies, USC have successfully hosted the GSOC for fourteen years. |
Event: Academic Seminars, Universities Service Centre for China Studies |
From January to March 2019, the Universities Service Centre for China Studies (USC) organized eight luncheon seminars on topics of minority, poverty alleviation, rural governance, economic development, and many other issues. The seminars attracted over 200 participants, including local, Mainland, and overseas undergraduates and postgraduates, scholars from various academic institutions, journalists, staff of non-governmental organizations, and members of the general public. Many insightful comments and questions were raised during the discussion sessions.
Event: Documentary Screening Series, Universities Service Centre for China Studies |
USC has been co-organizing the documentary screening series "Reminiscence" with the Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture since January 2016. The series aims at promoting documentaries on contemporary China, with a focus on folk history and real personages. This is an all-year-around project, starting from each year's September to the next May. From January to March 2019, USC held three film screening events under "Reminiscence Documentary Screening Series", namely Orphans on 14 January, Havana Divas on 22 February, and The Day of Reckoning on 7 March. |
New Publications |
- 中國考古藝術研究中心《牙璋與國家起源》(只限中文版)
- 中國考古藝術研究中心《哈民玉器研究》(只限中文版)
- Twenty-First Century Bimonthly (Issue 171, February 2019).
- Sincere Brush: Works of Ting Yin-yung Courtesy of His Students and Friends in the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK
- For Blessings and Guidance: The Qianlong Emperor's Design for State Sacrificial Vessels
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Event Highlight |
- Xuanhuitang Lecture Series, Art Museum
- The Fifth Inter-Regional Forum on Dialectal Grammar, T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
- The Third Chen Kai Wen Lecture on Modern Chinese History, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
- Documentary Screening, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture and Universities Service Centre for China Studies
- Luncheon seminar, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
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Editorial Board Committee |
Editor : Lai Chi-tim Members : Yeung Ching Nam, Cherry |
Academic reflection: 網絡理論、情節分析︰從侶倫《窮巷》電影劇本出土說起
Event: The Life of Guangzhou Gentry on the Eve of the First Opium War—A Study of Xie Lansheng's Changxingxingzhai Diary 常惺惺齋日記
Event: "For Blessings and Guidance: The Qianlong Emperor's Design for State Sacrificial Vessels" opening ceremony, Art Museum
Event: Ancient Chinese Gold Techniques Lecture Series, Art Museum
Event: "Jewels of Transcendence" Lecture Series, Art Museum
Event: "Jewels of Transcendence" Special Tour, Art Museum
Event: Fai Chun Writing to Celebrate Chinese New Year, Art Museum
Event: Life and Arts in Pre-Modern China, Art Museum
Event: "For Blessings and Guidance" Symposium , Art Museum
Event: Opening Ceremony of "Strokes of Wonder: Figure Painting by Ren Bonian from the National Art Museum of China", Art Museum
Event: Xuanhuitang Lecture Series, Art Museum
Event: Linguistics Seminars and the 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Language, T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: Greater Bay Area Chinese Forum: The First Gathering of Representatives of Chinese Departments in the Region, T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: The 15th Graduate Seminar on China, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Event: Academic Seminars, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Event: Documentary Screening Series, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
New Publications
Event Highlight
Editorial Board Committee