Jan 2022     Issue 18
Faculty of Engineering 30th Anniversary
2021 marks the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Engineering at CUHK. The Faculty was established in 1991 by our former Vice Chancellor and Nobel Laureate Professor Charles Kao, whose vision not only addressed the technological challenges in the early 1990s right before the booming of the Internet, but also positioned the Faculty of Engineering to excel for many years into the future.
Saving the Voice of an Oral Cancer Patient with AI-based Speech Technology

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become the most influential technology revolutionising modern life in many ways. To date, the power of AI has been demonstrated by notable stories of success, including AlphaGo, DeepFake, GPT-3, and Waymo. Despite this, the real benefits of AI remain relatively inaccessible to the general public, even though they should not be. As researchers continue to work tirelessly on advanced AI systems to address grand challenges, there are many ordinary situations in which AI can be applied to immediately and directly benefit people in need.

A Breakthrough on the Resolution of 3D Printing Pure Copper Components Using Highly Complex Geometries

A research team led by Prof. Song Xu from CUHK Engineering recently proposed a novel method for 3D printing high-performance pure copper at a resolution of 100μm. They demonstrated that pure copper structures can be built at a high resolution and high performance using micro laser power bed fusion (µLPBF), an additive manufacturing method. This fabrication process enables the printing of pure copper under low power using a low-cost infrared laser which achieves low roughness, high physical properties, and high precision at the same time. The outcome of this research has been published in ‘Additive Manufacturing’, a prestigious journal in the manufacturing engineering field.

Faculty 30th Anniversary-Themed Video

2021 marks the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Engineering, CUHK. With its solid foundation and excellent achievements, the Faculty of Engineering continues to play important roles in today’s 4th industrial revolution and digital economy, injecting impetus into Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area and impacting the region’s talent nurturing and research development in engineering.
CUHK Faculty of Engineering Prof. Chester Shu elected Optica Fellow 2022 (Optica is formerly known as The Optical Society)

Professor Chester Shu, Professor and Chair of the Department of Electronic Engineering, CUHK, has been elected as a Fellow of 2022 by Optica, a prestigious international society in the field of optics, in recognition of his seminal contributions to effective control and processing of optical signals in communications.
Prof. Raymond Tong scoops two awards at “the Oscars” of Asia Pacific’s eldercare industry

At the 9th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards Ceremony held by the Ageing Asia, Professor Raymond Tong, Chairman of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, CUHK, has been honoured with the “Global Ageing Influencers 2021” award and the “HOPE 4 Care” programme led by Professor Tong’s biomedical engineering research team and the Faculty of Medicine, CUHK, took home the “Best Rehabilitation Programme” award.
CUHK Computer Science ranks no. 10 worldwide and no. 1 in Hong Kong for two consecutive years in the U.S. News and World Report 2022

CUHK is ranked no. 10 worldwide and once again ranked no. 1 in Hong Kong in Computer Science in the recently released Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report’s 2022.
Inaugural Lecture of Patrick Huen Wing Ming Professorship of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management ─ Prof. Helen Meng

Inaugural Lecture of Patrick Huen Wing Ming Professorship of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management by Professor Helen Meng on “Advancing Technological Equity in Speech and Language Technologies” was staged on 7 December 2021
Prof. Wei-hsin Liao is appointed as Choh-Ming Li Professor of Mechanical and Automation Engineering

Professor Wei-hsin Liao, Chairman of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, was appointed as Choh-Ming Li Professor of Mechanical and Automation Engineering in recognition of his achievements in research and teaching.
Prof. Rosanna Chan awarded the IEEE William E. Sayle II Award for Achievement in Education in 2021

Professor Rosanna Chan has been awarded the IEEE William E. Sayle II Award for Achievement in Education in 2021 for her contributions to the field of learning technologies for special education needs. The mentioned award is to recognize significant contributions over a period of years in the fields of interest to the IEEE Education Society.
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