New Asia Chorus is Recruiting Members

The College is now preparing for the new NA Chorus, all New Asia alumni, staff (with family members) and students are welcome to join us. The Chorus will represent the College and give performances in various functions, such as Founders' Day and Home-coming Day.

We hope that the participants will meet the below requirements:  


1. Choral singing experience (Please name the choir(s) and duration of each choir sung.)

2. Voice range: Covering at least an octave and 3/4

3. Be able to read scores


If you are interested, do feel free to contact Ms. Jean Luk ( Tel:3943-1963; E-mail:

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The 11th Seminar on Chinese Moral Education
The Seminar on Traditional Chinese Culture 2013
New Asia College/Yale University Summer Community Service Exchange
New Asia College/Hertford College of Oxford University Study Abroad and Cultural Exploration Programme 2013
Summer Study Abroad at Cambridge and UC Berkeley
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64th Founders' Day Activities
Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History 2013
New Asia Lecture on Confucianism
New Asia Chorus is Recruiting Members
Welcome to join The Alumni Association of New Asia College, CUHK
New Asia College
New Asia College Alumni Association
Phone: 3943-1585
Fax: 2603-5418