2024 Jun | Volume 195

Stay Vigilant Against Online Scams and Risks

As online activities become more prevalent, it's crucial for CUHK students and staff to remain vigilant against various frauds. Here are three specific types of scams to be aware of:

  1. WhatsApp Scams
    • Hackers hijack accounts and send malicious messages to contacts. To safeguard your account, enable two-step verification, avoid sharing your verification PIN, and only download the app from trusted sources.

  2. Online Investment Fraud
    • Fraudsters promise high returns on investments through unregulated platforms. To avoid being tricked, invest through reputable online platforms, consult financial advisors, and avoid sharing sensitive information with unverified sources.

  3. Online Shopping Scams
    • These often involve counterfeit products, non-delivery, or payment theft. To stay safe, shop from trusted retailers, use secure connections (HTTPS) before making purchases, and employ secure payment methods.

Remember, staying informed and cautious is the best way to protect yourself from these common online frauds.

References: Beware of WhatsApp Account Hijacking

Social Media Security – Best Practices for General User

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