
This year, our students showed greater engagement in sports. More students participated in sports tryouts and even initiated sports activities. The College has allocated resources to support the growing demand and provided additional training opportunities.

Updates on the CWC Sports Teams
Over the past academic year, student participation in sports programmes at the College has increased significantly. In Term 2, Academic Year 2023–24, the College organised various team tryouts in which students enthusiastically participated.
The size of the College teams has also increased. After the Term 2 tryout sessions, six students joined the Table Tennis Team, while 13 joined the Tennis Team. The Badminton Team recruited 16 members, while the Rowing Team had 8. In this year's inter-collegiate competitions, we are grateful that our team members gave their all and fully embodied the spirit of sports.
To meet the needs of the College sports team members, the College has specially allocated additional resources to set up extra tennis and table tennis training classes, allowing our athletes to have more opportunities for training.

Embracing the Rhythm: CWC K-Pop Dance Workshops


In March 2024, LAI Tsz Yan Joyce (IBBA/Year 3), the dance team leader of CWC Festival 2023, organised four K-pop dance workshops, offering beginners the opportunity to learn and enjoy dancing. Let's delve into Joyce's inspiring initiative that motivated fellow CWC students to embrace the joy of dance. (This article is only available in English.)

LAI Tsz Yan (Integrated BBA/Year 3)


‘I wanna learn dance too, but I've never tried before.’

‘I don't know how to start.’

Here's a dance workshop for beginners and students with no experience in dance! As a dance lover, I know it's hard to start dancing when you have no experience in childhood. It inspired me to start a K-pop dance workshop targeting greenhorns at CWC with my CWC friend Youtong. Fortunately, this idea opened the gate for us to meet many girls and boys in our College who are interested in dance but haven't had the chance to make their first step. Therefore, after communal dinner, we gathered at the CWC activity room for 2 hours of stretching, fitness and dance routine.

In all four sessions, we've gone through different K-pop choreographies, such as Eleven, Spicy, Pink Venom and Ditto. As an instructor, I'm very grateful to see participants enjoying the time and dancing better and better. Special thanks to all participants and the College's support in successfully holding this workshop!

It feels good to dance, but it would be more fun to dance with a group of friends. Remember to keep grooving and moving with your favourite music!

Joyce (second left) performed at CWC Festival 2023.
Joyce (second left) performed at CWC Festival 2023.
Proper stretching is always a vital routine for dancing.
Proper stretching is always a vital routine for dancing.
Let's dance! Shall we?
Let's dance! Shall we?
Joyce (second left) danced with friends after the High Table Dinner of the College.
Joyce (second left) danced with friends after the High Table Dinner of the College.

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