2022 Aug | Volume 189

IT Starter Kit – Welcome to CUHK!

New CUHKers, want to have a quick glance at what IT services can ease your life, study, work and research? Here we summarize some essential and popular services for you. Let’s get started! 

1. Your Account, Profile and CU Link Card 


  1. Forget Password? Recover your OnePass password 

  2. Gain access to the campus with your student card (Card collection for Postgraduates | Undergraduates) 

  3. Enable 2-factor authentication (DUO) and manage the devices enrolled 


  1. Update your business profile in CUHK: 
  2. Collect your staff card at CU Link Card Centre 

  3. Enable 2-factor authentication (DUO) and manage the devices enrolled 

 2. Service You Must Use for Study / Work



  1. CUSIS / MyCUHK - manage academic particulars e.g. course enrollment (User Guides) 

  2. Blackboard – exchange course materials with lecturers / professors 

  3. Microsoft 365 services - Email with @Link, share / upload files via 1TB OneDrive

  4. User Areas(1/F, Pi Chiu Building) and Learning Commons (6/F, Wu Ho Man Yuen Building) – enjoy IT facilities e.g. PCs, scanners, printers and audiovisual tools 


  1. [Teaching staff] Prepare your courses with teaching tools offered in CUHK

  2. Email and share / upload files via 5TB OneDrive 

 3. WiFi and Network 

  1. Connect to WiFi CUHK1x on campus  

  2. Use CUHK VPN / SSL VPN / (for mainland) Add-on VPN to access restricted websites e.g. software download, CUPIS etc.  

  3. Use WiFi in other institutions or coffee shops with CUHK Wi-Fi Hotspot Partnership Program registration  
4. More Free IT Services / Software 
  1. Teaching and Learning 

    • Have online class or meeting via Zoom/ Teams 
    • Create videos with Camtasia   
    • Download Office 365Teams and OneDrive on your device to share and collaborate with others 
    • Conduct online survey via Qualtrics / MyCUForm / Microsoft Forms 

  2. Research and Development 

  3. Security 



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