To complement the exhibition "Amazing Clay: The Ceramic Collection of the Art Museum", the Art Museum is holding a monthly lecture series that began in May 2016. The first two lectures were held on 6 and 7 May. Professor Qin Dashu from the School of Archaeology and Museology at Peking University was the guest speaker. His lectures covering Ru Ware and Ding Ware have attracted audiences of over 130. The details of the July and August lecture are as follows:
Speaker: Professor Guo Xuelei (Vice Curator of the Shenzhen Museum) Date: 20 July 2016 (Wednesday) Time: 15:00 – 17:00 Venue: L1, Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK Language: Mandarin Online registration: Deadline: 18 July 2016 Speaker: Professor Lam Yip-keung Peter (Former Director of the Art Museum at ICS, CUHK) Date: 26 August 2016 (Friday) Time: 19:00 – 21:00 Venue: Tsimshatsui Book Centre Online registration: Deadline: 24 August 2016 |