16. 12. 2018    ISSUE 14

Meet with Sir David Akers-Jones

In the second term, the "Meet with Sir David Akers-Jones" activity will be organised under the "Value Exploration Series" of the I·CARE Achievers Programme for CUHK full-time undergraduates.  This activity will be conducted in the form of a small group discussion, and the number of participants is limited to eight.

Now aged 91, Sir David Akers-Jones is the former Chief Secretary of Hong Kong and is the most senior colonial official living in Hong Kong.  He had once been a trainee at British India Steam Navigation Company during his young age.  How did he then take on the political arena and turn into a prominent political figure?  In this activity, participants will gain inspiration from Sir David Akers-Jones's wise counsel and delve with him into the meaning and value of life.

Full-time undergraduates who are interested may register at here.  This Centre will work out details of the meeting with those who are accepted for participation in this activity.  If you have any enquiries, please contact Ms. Leung of this Centre via 3943 1595 (Tel) or carolleung@cuhk.edu.hk (Email).


* Sir David Akers-Jones's Biography:

Sir David Akers-Jones (GBM, KBE, CMG, Hon. RICS, JP), graduated from Oxford University in the 1950s.  Subsequently had he been living in the Far East and working for the Malayan Civil Service.  Sir David Akers-Jones moved to Hong Kong in 1957.  Since then he had been serving the Hong Kong Government and holding important positions, which included Chief Secretary and Acting Governor (1985-1987), Chairman of the Housing Authority (1988-1993), Hong Kong Affairs Advisor (1993-1997).  After retirement, he continued to stay in Hong Kong and served as Non-executive Chairman and Director of numerous companies.  He is now President of Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong and is engaging enthusiastically in voluntary and charitable services.

Meet with Sir David Akers-Jones

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Table of Contents


Meet with Sir David Akers-Jones

I·CARE Theatre 2019 - Umbrella Diaries: The First Umbrella

I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme: Second Round of Application Opened

Support I·CARE by the Purchase of CUHK 2019 Calendar

Report of Experiential Learning Activities

Visit of the Office of Student Affairs of CUHK (SZ)

A Walk in Community with I·CARE: Second Session Completed

Germany Trip of Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK

Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Mobile Truck: Journey Started

I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project: Phase One Completed

Event Calendar


Past Issue