Our Alumni

Alumni Sharing

In 2019, as a freshman in an unfamiliar environment at CWC, WAN Yuxuan, Tony (AI: Systems and Tech/Class of 2023) received the support and guidance from Ian, one of the previous Resident Tutors. In the following years, the warm and harmonious College life brought him pleasant and wonderful memories. Today, as an alumnus of CWC, Tony has become a Resident Tutor himself, serving the students and passing on the spirit of CWC. (This article is only available in English.)

My Transformation from Resident to Resident Tutor at CWC: Tony WAN

Starting my journey at the College, I remember sitting alone at a communal dinner back in 2019. Suddenly, a fellow diner, Ian, sparked a conversation. ‘Hi, I'm Ian. Are you new here?’ He asked. ‘Yes, my name's Tony. Which year are you in?’ I responded. ‘I have graduated, but I am a Resident Tutor here,’ he revealed. My curiosity piqued, and eventually, I asked, ‘So, what is a Resident Tutor?’ Ian explained simply, ‘Well... if you need any help around the College, just look for me!’ His straightforward kindness was my first brush with the supportive community that would shape my university life.

As a freshman, senior peers like Ian were invaluable. They guided me through course selections, familiarised me with the campus, recommended great restaurants, and revealed hidden gems to visit. The College's vibrant activities introduced me to a diverse group of people who became some of my closest friends.

During my final year, one memorable night, my friend and I went to the TV room to watch a Makoto SHINKAI film. There, we met two other students, previously strangers, engrossed in video games. After inviting them to join us, we discovered our shared passions for Makoto's films, music, and coffee. This connection spurred us to form a group, further cementing our newfound friendship. These experiences deeply influenced my approach as a CWC Resident Tutor, constantly thinking of ways to foster similar bonds among students.

My role as a Resident Tutor often reminded me of my own days as a student. I recall a particular incident when a fire alarm blared across the dorm. Ignoring it initially as a likely false alarm, I was ushered out by an RT who knocked on my door, insisting on safety first. Fast forward, and I found myself in that RT's shoes, repeating the same lines to another student, echoing my past scepticism.

Reflecting on these intertwined roles, from a clueless freshman to a guiding RT, each interaction and responsibility has enriched my understanding and strengthened my bond with the College community. It's a unique journey, from receiving guidance to providing it, all within the same halls that saw me grow.

Alumni Affairs Updates

Alumni Homecoming 2023

CUHK Alumni Homecoming resumed in physical mode in 2023 after the pandemic, coinciding with the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the University. The College organised a game booth with sugar painting at the University Mall and presented posters of service-learning projects completed by current students.
In the evening, the College Master, Prof Suk-Ying WONG, hosted an Alumni Homecoming Hotpot Dinner for the 28 homecoming alumni at Chong Kin Wo Hall, where College communal dining takes place. Dean of Student Prof Vincent CHEUNG, former Masters Prof Kenneth YOUNG and Prof Wai-Yee CHAN joined the cheerful gathering.

CUHK Alumni Reconnect at FAA Cup 2024

The Federation of Alumni Associations of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHKFAA) organised the annual CUHK FAA Cup at the Shatin Racecourse on 31 March 2024. The event at the Jockey Club Box at the Racecourse brought together 6 CWC alumni, College Master Prof Suk-Ying WONG and former Master Prof Kenneth YOUNG. The alumni present were: Mr CHEUNG Kevin (Integrated BBA Programme/Class of 2016), Ms CHOI Azura Yuk Chin (Biomedical Engineering/Class of 2016), Mr LEUNG Tsun Yin (English/Class of 2017), Mr LI Chi Chuen Matthew (Global Economics and Finance/Class of 2019), Ms DENG Rongchen (Statistics/Class of 2021) and Ms NG Cheuk Chi, Chelsea (Government and Public Administration/Class of 2022).
The group enjoyed a buffet lunch and an afternoon at the races together. It was a cherished opportunity for the alumni to reconnect and take pride in their College roots.

Welcome Home, Alumni: Alumni Reunion Lunch

On 18 May, Chong Kin Wo Hall was filled with joy and warmth as 14 alumni from different graduating classes gathered for a reunion lunch with Master Prof Suk-Ying WONG, Dean of Students Prof Vincent CHEUNG and former Master Prof Kenneth YOUNG.

The alumni participated in a ‘CWC X CUHK Challenge’ during the reunion. Laughter and friendly banter filled the Hall as the alumni reconnected and reminisced about their shared experiences. After the lively lunch, the group strolled through the College Photo Exhibition (Our Story: Steeped in Time, Told Through Images), which captures the College's development and the remarkable contributions of Dr CW Chu and Dr David Chu.

Some alumni also went on a nostalgic hostel tour, revisiting familiar spaces like the pantry area, dormitory room, and laundry room. They recounted the stories and moments that had shaped their lives during university.

The reunion was a testament to the enduring bonds and deep sense of community shared by CWC alumni, even years after graduation. The atmosphere of pure happiness and celebration reflected the lasting impact the College has had on the lives of its students and the pride they continue to feel in being a part of the CWC family.

Tony (second right) was attending College High Table Dinner when he was an undergraduate.
Tony (second right) was attending College High Table Dinner when he was an undergraduate.
Tony (second left) and his CWC friends at College Photo Day.
Tony (second left) and his CWC friends at College Photo Day.
Tony (front) and his CWC friends at College Photo Day.
Tony (front) and his CWC friends at College Photo Day.
Tony (middle) received a scholarship certificate from Senior College Tutor and College Fellow Prof Thomas AU (right)in Year 2022–2023.
Tony (middle) received a scholarship certificate from Senior College Tutor and College Fellow Prof Thomas AU (right)in Year 2022–2023.
As a Resident Tutor, Tony (right) coordinated Asian Cultural Night with the international student hosts.
As a Resident Tutor, Tony (right) coordinated Asian Cultural Night with the international student hosts.
The booth organised by the College on the Day at the University Mall
The booth organised by the College on the Day at the University Mall
Alumni Homecoming Hotpot Dinner at Chong Kin Wo Hall
Alumni Homecoming Hotpot Dinner at Chong Kin Wo Hall
Alumni, Master Prof Suk-Ying WONG (seated, left) and former Master Prof Kenneth YOUNG (seated, right)
Alumni, Master Prof Suk-Ying WONG (seated, left) and former Master Prof Kenneth YOUNG (seated, right)
Group photo
Group photo
Professors and alumni having fun in the CWC X CUHK Challenge.
Professors and alumni having fun in the CWC X CUHK Challenge.
The Alumni toasted with Prof YOUNG.
The Alumni toasted with Prof YOUNG.
Professors and alumni having fun in the CWC X CUHK Challenge.
Professors and alumni having fun in the CWC X CUHK Challenge.
LI Chi Chuen Matthew (Global Economics and Finance/Class of 2019), CHAN Chin Wang Erwin (Psychology/Class of 2018) and SUN Yixing (Electronic Engineering/Class of 2016) were the 2nd runners-up of the challenge.
LI Chi Chuen Matthew (Global Economics and Finance/Class of 2019), CHAN Chin Wang Erwin (Psychology/Class of 2018) and SUN Yixing (Electronic Engineering/Class of 2016) were the 2nd runners-up of the challenge.
The alumni strolled through the College Photo Exhibition, reminiscing about memorable moments captured in images.
The alumni strolled through the College Photo Exhibition, reminiscing about memorable moments captured in images.
The alumni visited a vacant room, sharing pleasant memories.
The alumni visited a vacant room, sharing pleasant memories.

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Embracing the CWC Family: Hanna CHO's Indelible Exchange Journey
From Campus to the World: College Exchange Programmes
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Nanjing Discovery
Sharing from International Students
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Our Graduates
Our Alumni
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