2024 Jun | Volume 195

Graduating Soon? Your Checklist before Graduation

Before you graduate this summer, make sure you go through the following checklist, but keep in mind, you must do it before your graduation date!


  1. Opt-in @Link Alumni Email Service
    The opt-in process opens 90 days before your graduation date. Through MyCUHK/CUSIS, you can choose to opt in @Link Alumni email service to retain your emails in your mailbox. We will also send you reminders when you are close to graduation.


  1. Backup Your Data and Academic Records
    Current CUHK services, like Blackboard and Qualtrics etc, are restricted to student access. Please ensure you've backed up your data on those platforms and unofficial transcript in CUSIS, if applicable, for future reference.



After graduation, you can stay connected with CUHK by accessing a range of alumni services, including:

  • MyCUHK – One-stop Online Alumni Services
  • e-Certification System
  • Free E-mail Forwarding Address Service
  • @Link email service (if you’ve opted in)
  • Free campus Wi-Fi


Graduation is a thrilling achievement, but it’s also essential to complete these administrative tasks to make sure everything goes well. Best wishes for your future! 


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