A number of new teaching and non-teaching staff members joined the School of Biomedical Sciences between September and December 2012, including:
Teaching Staff Members Dr. WONG Wai Kai, Assistant Lecturer Date of Joining the School: 3 September 2012 |  | Prof. Andrew CHAN, Professor Date of Joining the School: 27 September 2012 Thematic Affiliation: Cancer and Inflammation Research Interests: 1. Cancer Cell Signaling 2. Regulation of PTEN Tumor Suppressor 3. Ras-related G-proteins and Human Cancer
|  | Prof. Eugene PONOMAREV, Assistant Professor Date of Joining the School: 19 December 2012 Thematic Affiliation: Neuro-degeneration, -development and Repair Research Interests: 1. Immunological aspects of the regulation of inflammation, particularly the role of tissue resident macrophages (microglia) in the regulation of autoimmune inflammation in the central nervous system (CNS) and the role of platelets in the initiation of inflammatory response in the CNS. 2. The role of microRNAs in adaptation of macrophages and microglia to CNS microenvironment. 3. The role of brain-specific glycolipids in lipid rafts of astrocytes and neurons in the regulation of CNS inflammation. 4. The role of platelet-lipid raft interactions in the regulation of neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration and development.
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Non-teaching Staff Members Mr. IP Wing Sun Paul, Executive Officer II Date of Joining the School: 14 November 2012
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