Featuring more than 60 exhibits from the collections of the Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware and the Art Museum of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the exhibition showcases the special style and decorative motifs of the Chinese export tea ware and reveals its influence on tea ware decoration in Southeast Asia and Europe.
Highlights of the exhibition include:
 | Dish decorated with figures in underglaze blue From the Ca Mau shipwreck, Vietnam Yongzheng reign, Qing dynasty (1723–1735) Acquisition of Art Museum Acquisition Fund Collection of the Art Museum, CUHK (Accession no.2008.0051) |  
  | Cup with Western coat of arms in fencai enamels Qing dynasty (18th century) Gift of Friends of the Art Museum Collection of the Art Museum, CUHK (Accession no. 1996.0332) | 
  | Guangcai cup and dish decorated with landscape and flowers Daoguang reign, Qing dynasty (1821–1850) Bequest of Dr. Hu Shih-chang Collection of the Art Museum, CUHK (Accession no.2010.0534) |  | Kettle and burner decorated with flowers in enamels on copper Copper body Qianlong reign, Qing dynasty (1736–1795) Acquisition of Art Museum Acquisition Fund Collection of the Art Museum, CUHK (Accession no.2013.0065)

 | Pair of cups and saucers with pines pattern in underglaze blue Qing dynasty (18th century) Gift of Dr. K. S. Lo Collection of the Art Museum, CUHK (Accession no. 1986.0115) |