2014 No.3
New Publications
  • Studies in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 35, No. 1), T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research 
  • Newsletter of Chinese Language (Volume 93 No. 2), T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
  • Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
  • Collected Annotations on Wang Niansun's Collated Edition of the Hanfeizi, D.C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts
  • Studies in Translation History (2014), Research Centre for Translation
  • Renditions nos. 81 & 82 (2014) Special Issue on Traditional Chinese Fiction Commentary
  • Translation and Global Asia: Relocating Cultural Production Network, edited by Uganda Sze-Pui Kwan and Lawrence Wang-chi Wong
  • A Fuller View of China: Chinese Art at the Seattle Art Museum

Studies in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 35, No. 1), T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre

Studies in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 35 No. 1) has been released. The issue includes the following two articles.

  1. Guglielmo Cinque, 'The Semantic Classification of Adjectives. A View from Syntax'
  2. Hisao Tokizaki and Kuniya Nasukawa, 'Tone in Chinese: Preserving Tonal Melody in Strong Positions'

PDF copies of the articles can be downloaded for free from http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/clrc/ .


Newsletter of Chinese Language (Volume 93 No. 2), T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre

The Newsletter of Chinese Language (Volume 93 No. 2) has been released. The issue includes the following eight articles.

  1. Shing-Bon Ho, 'An Overview of the Teaching Process of "University Chinese"'
  2. Donghui Li and Fei Li, 'Essential Components of Effective Communication in Chinese – the Design of Lingnan University Chinese Language Enhancement Curriculum'
  3. Chung-Mou Si and Vichy Wai-Chi Ho, 'Introduction to the University Chinese Programme in The University of Hong Kong'
  4. Keith Tong and Wa Mok, 'The Design and Implementation of Chinese Courses in the 4-year Curriculum at HKUST'
  5. Wing-Sat Chan, A Preliminary Thinking about Developing Chinese Programme as L1 Training at University Level'
  6. Sze-Wing Tang, 'University Chinese of the Chinese University: Heading towards the Third Year'
  7. Connie Hon-Fong Poon, 'An Overview of the Curriculum Design of Chinese Enhancement Programme and the Related Language Support'
  8. Pui-Lee Liu, 'The Teaching of Fairy Tales in Hong Kong Primary Chinese Language: Misconception and Suggestion'

PDF copies of these articles can be downloaded for free from http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/clrc/ .


Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture

The theme of The Twenty-First Century Review (Issue 143, June 2014) is 'The Way of State Governance'. Professor Ren Jian-tao contributed an article entitled 'Farewell to Revolutionary Inertia, Move towards State Governance' to the issue.

The topic of Issue 144 of The Twenty-First Century Review (August 2014) is 'The Land Problem of China'. The issue includes two articles, namely '"Tragedy of the Anticommons": Dilemma in China's Urbanization' and 'The Reform of the Collective Rural Land Ownership and the Unification of China's Urban and Rural Land Markets'.

For the content of the issue, please visit the Twenty-First Century Bimonthly website at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/21c/ .


Collected Annotations on Wang Niansun's Collated Edition of the Hanfeizi, D.C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts

The 33rd title in the Chinese Ancient Texts (CHANT) series, Collected Annotations on Wang Niansun's Collated Edition of the Hanfeizi, by Professor Cheung Kam-siu, was published by the Chinese University Press in September 2014. Using the CHANT Database, Professor Cheung Kam-siu annotated more than 600 collation entries in Wang Nainsun's (1744-1832) collated edition of the Hanfeizi. The opinions and theories of scholars from the Qing Dynasty onwards are cited along with the author's own ideas. The collated edition is now preserved in the National Library of China in Beijing.


Studies in Translation History (2014), Research Centre for Translation

Studies in Translation History (2014), an annual academic journal, will be published and distributed by Fudan University in December 2014. Readers in Hong Kong and overseas are welcome to order the journal by contacting the Research Centre for Translation.


Renditions nos. 81 & 82 (2014) Special Issue on Traditional Chinese Fiction Commentary

Renditions nos. 81 & 82 will appear in November 2014 as a double issue guest-edited by Stephen H. West and Xiaoqiao Ling, devoted to Chinese fiction from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Traditional commentaries are included and presented in a format as close to the Chinese original text as possible. These commentaries contain unique critical insights into the works they treat, and enable new ways of reading premodern Chinese fiction. During much of the last century editors were reluctant to include commentaries in modern editions, but in recent years this work has become much more widely available, with only English translations lagging behind. This special edition of Renditions is meant to move toward closing that gap.


Translation and Global Asia: Relocating Cultural Production Network, edited by Uganda Sze-Pui Kwan and Lawrence Wang-chi Wong

The present volume originates from the The Fourth Asian Translation Traditions Conference held in Hong Kong from 15 to 17 December 2010. The conference was jointly organised by the Research Centre for Translation, CUHK and the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University. Its aim was to explore the richness and diversity of non-Western discourses and translation practices with specific attention to translational exchanges between non-Western languages, and the changes and continuities in Asian translation traditions. Translation and Global Asia covers a broad array of topics, from 7th-century Buddhist translation in Tibet to 21st-century political translation in Malaysia. The papers reflect a rich variety of historical and geographical interests, and are arranged in four sections, each with a common theoretical and thematic concern. As indicated in the title of the volume, broad conceptual frameworks such as 'cultural production networks' and 'global Asia' are used to link these interdisciplinary papers.


A Fuller View of China: Chinese Art at the Seattle Art Museum

This book, published by the Seattle Art Museum and the University of Washington Press in 2014, was written by Dr Josh Yiu, Curator of Chinese Art at the Seattle Art Museum from 2006 to 2013. Drawing on an extensive review of museum archives, annual reports, correspondence, and transaction records, Dr Yiu describes the challenges and opportunities involved in building a collection of Chinese art during the 20th century.


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Event: "Non-popular Reading Methods in the Popular Era"
Event: Educational Activities of the Art Museum
Event: Launch of 'David Hawkes Archive'
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