2024 No.1
Event Report: Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
The 5th Chen Kai-wen Lecture on Modern Chinese History

The 5th Chen Kai-wen Lecture on Modern Chinese History was successfully organized by the Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture of the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Prof. Shen Zhihua, a renowned professor from the East China Normal University, was invited to speak in a public lecture and a seminar on campus.
The publict lecture, titled “The China-ROK-USSR Trilateral Relations: A Historical Survey (1921–1991),” took place on 11 March 2024 at the Yasumoto International Academic Park. Prof. Shen first underlined the feature of the trilateral relations: Their alliance was not firm, while their tension with the United States at the time was also to be factored in. He then started his discussion from the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, illustrating it with rich primary sources. The lecture sparked the interests and enthusiasm of the attentive audience, leading to a fruitful Q&A session.

The seminar, titled “Evolution of the Security Structure on the Korean Peninsula (1970s–1990s),” took place on 15 March 2024 at the Cheng Yu Tung Building. Prof. Li Danhui (East China Normal University) and Prof. Niu Jun (Shanghai International Studies University) joined Prof. Shen as speakers. Prof. Li first delineated the deteriorating China-USSR relations in the 1960s, which was followed by Prof. Niu’s account of the loosening of tension between China and the USA in later times. Prof. Shen then expounded on the changes in China’s North Korean policies subsequent to the Sino-American détente. The audience’s active participation in the ensued discussion drew this year’s inspiring lecture series to a close.
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(From left) Prof. Leung Yuen Seng, Prof. Niu Jun, Prof. Shen Zhihua, and Prof. Li Danhui
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