Journal of Chinese Studies, Institute of Chinese Studies
Number 61 (July 2015) of the Journal of Chinese Studies is published. It contains 10 articles and 13 contributions in the Book Review section. Articles - Shi Yang, "A Preliminary Study of the Transition of the Forms of Financial Penalty in Ancient China: Focusing on the Period from the Late Warring States to the Early Han".
- Yi-Fei You, "The Dongting Commandery in Liye Qin Bamboo Manuscripts: A Study of One Instance of the Commandery and County Institution of Early China".
- Ho Koon Wan, "A Study of the Life and Career of Yan Chenghan, a Senior Eunuch of the Northern Song Dynasty".
- Leung Wai Kei, "Lü Yihao's Character and His Early Experiences in the Southern Song Dynasty".
- Lin Yan, "The Significance to Chinese Literary History of the Existence and Abolishment of the Civil Service Examination in the Late Song and Early Yuan: An Investigation Focusing on the Changes of Poetic Circles".
- Zhang Yi, "A Study of a Rare Genealogy Wangshi yuanyuanlu in the Yuan Dynasty".
- Kwok Ka Fai, "The Da Ming Taizu huangdi yuzhiji: An Overlooked Collection of the Original Works of Ming Taizu".
- Huang Zhuangzhao, "Guan Yu's Ancestors and Descendants: A Case Study of the Changping Guandi Temple in Shanxi Province".
- Cheng Honglei, "From 'Patriarchal Society' to 'Militant Society': Yan Fu's Translated Social Stage Theory in Modern Chinese Intellectual History".
- Connie Ho-yee Kwong, "Russian-Soviet Literature, Francophone Lefists, and Chinese Modernists: Translating and Transmitting Benjamin Goriély's Les Poètes dans la révolution russe".
Book Reviews - Paul R. Katz, Gendering Chinese Religion: Subject, Identity, and Body. Edited by Jinhua Jia, Xiaofei Kang, and Ping Yao.
- Allan H. Barr, Real Life in China at the Height of Empire: Revealed by the Ghosts of Ji Xiaolan. Edited and translated by David E. Pollard.
- Robert E. Harrist, Jr., The Landscape Painting of China: Musings of a Journeyman. By Harrie A. Vanderstappen.
- Michael Lackner, Reconstructing the Confucian Dao: Zhu Xi's Appropriation of Zhou Dunyi. By Joseph A. Adler.
- Miranda Brown, Public Memory in Early China. By K. E. Brashier.
- Ho Hon Wai, Civil Examinations and Meritocracy in Late Imperial China. By Benjamin A. Elman.
- Tze-ki Hon, Chinese Encyclopaedias of New Global Knowledge (1870–1930): Changing Ways of Thought. Edited by Milena Doleželová-Velingerová and Rudolf G. Wagner
- T. H. Barrett, The Body Incantatory: Spells and the Ritual Imagination in Medieval Chinese Buddhism. By Paul Copp.
- Lothar von Falkenhausen, Savage Exchange: Han Imperialism, Chinese Literary Style, and the Economic Imagination. By Tamara T. Chin.
- Michael Slote, Moral Cultivation and Confucian Character: Engaging Joel J. Kupperman. Edited by Chenyang Li and Peimin Ni.
- Franciscus Verellen, Spells, Images, and Maṇḍalas: Tracing the Evolution of Esoteric Buddhist Rituals. By Koichi Shinohara.
- Johannes L. Kurz, From Warhorses to Ploughshares: The Later Tang Reign of Emperor Mingzong. By Richard L. Davis.
- Jonathan Karam Skaff, The Destruction of the Medieval Chinese Aristocracy. By Nicolas Tackett.
For details, please visit the Journal of Chinese Studies website. Newsletter of Chinese Language, T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Volume 94(2) of the Newsletter of Chinese Language is released. There are five articles in this issue: - Man-Ching Chiang, "Some characteristics of 'Hou' in Cantonese".
- Wing-Man Wong, "The multiplicity of the discontinuous construction in Cantonese: Evidence from can1".
- Hung-Kai Lee, "Tracing the origin of new words: A discussion on 'Fanding'".
- Kam-Tin Yip, "Discussing two flaws in basic annal of Hsiang Yu translated by Nienhauser".
- Che-Ying Kwan, "Discourse analysis in the classroom of Chinese as a second language".
PDFs of these articles can be downloaded free from the Language Research Centre. Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
Issue 150 (August 2015) of Twenty-First Century Bimonthly is published. The topic for the current Twenty-First Century Review is "New China on migrant workers," in which Wang Jian-hua, Zheng Guang-huai, Meng Quan and Shen Yuan contribute their article "Between institutionalization and radicalization: The rising unionization of the new generation of migrant workers in China". Five research articles are also published: - Qin Hui, "Revisiting nationalism in the new culture movement: The centennial of new culture movement (Part I)".
- Wang Li-jian, "'Republican literature' versus 'Chinese modern literature?' – Review on the controversies in the cross-strait academic circles".
- Lo Man-chi, "Nationality, history, and subjectivity: On Takeuchi Yoshimi's research of modern Chinese literature".
- Xie Yi-feng, "'Buddhism first' or 'Daoism first': The order transformation of Buddhism and Daoism in the painting catalogues and reviews in the Song dynasty".
- Xu Feng, "Justice prior to desert? – On John Rawls' 'Anti-desert' argument".
For issue content, please visit the Twenty-First Century Bimonthly website. Other articles for publication Chi Jo-hsin, Art Museum - 〈社會生活史與鑑玉:以玉駱駝與哪吒降龍珮為例〉,《喜聞過齋圖錄》(書名暫訂),香港:中大文物館,2015年8月。
- 〈《寧壽續鑑》與《西清續譜》──乾隆皇帝的文化未竟之業〉,《故宮學刊》,第13輯(2015),pp. 323–339。
Ho Pik Ki, Art Museum - 〈北山十寶之六:唐顏真卿大字麻姑仙壇記(何紹基舊藏本)〉,《書法叢刊》(北京:文物出版社),2015年9月。
- 策劃「北山汲古:碑帖銘刻拓本」專輯,《書法叢刊》(北京:文物出版社),2015年9月。
- 〈二十世紀中大的一日〉,樊善標、陳燕遐、馬輝洪主編:《二十世紀中大的一日》(香港:香港中文大學香港文學研究中心,2015),pp. 57–58。
Liu Yan, Art Museum - "Illuminating Han society, recent archaeological discoveries in the mid-Yangzi region", in Interdisciplinary in Archaeology, Oxford: British Archaeological Report, forthcoming, 2015.
- Yan Liu and Jing Zhang (Chinese translation, Jessica Rawson), "Ordering the exotic: Ritual practices in the Late Western and Early Eastern Zhou", Early China, vol. 2, Beijing, Wenwu Chubanshe, forthcoming, 2015.