Event Calendar
Please click on the image below for more information.
Value Exploration Series under I·CARE Achievers Programme - Remoulding Camp
CUSE Fund 2018-19: Open for Application Now
Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Services Project: Volunteer Recruitment
The Second Survey by Questionnaire on Students' Holistic Competencies
I·CARE Giveaway: Let Our Heart Breathe Illustrated Booklet
Roving Exhibition of Hong Kong Red Cross's Humanity Wall
S.I. Leadership Award 2018-19: Open for Application Now
University Lecture on Civility 2018: Nicely Concluded
I·CARE Community Research Scheme: Progress Update
The Core Group under I·CARE Achievers Programme: Officially Formed
I·CARE Theatre - When They Met in the Fall
I·CARE Salon (14th Session) - A Tribute to the Enlighteners
"Fitness x Mentorship" Scheme: Smoothly Launched
Blood and Book Giving - A Challenge of Blood Donation Relay: Enthusiastically Received
S.I. Leadership Workshop: Successfully Held