Outreach to Chu Scholars

Professor Kenneth Young and Professor Anthony Ho attended a dinner meeting with 17 Chu Scholars (including Professor Ho himself) in Hong Kong on 17 Nov 2010, and a presentation was given on the development of the College.

Professor Kenneth Young attended a re-union of Chu Scholars in New York City (14 May 2011) and the Bay Area (15 May 2011).

Re-union of Chu Scholars in the United States (14-15 May 2011)
Re-union of Chu Scholars in the United States (14-15 May 2011)

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Message from the Master
News on the College Assembly of Fellows
Inaugural Dinner of CW Chu College
New Members (as of 15 June 2011)
Location and Design of College Campus
Donations (up to 15 June 2011)
Outreach to Chu Scholars
Experiencing Communal Dining
College Publicity
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