2014 No.2
New Publications
Studies in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 34 Number 3) , T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre

The latest issue of Studies in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 34 Number 3) was released in December 2013. This issue contains the following two articles:

1. Ting-Chi Wei: Fragment Question and Ellipsis in Chinese
2. Paul Law: Word-order and Constituent Structure in Naxi

PDF copies of these articles can be downloaded for free via  http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/clrc/.
Back to Issue
Looking Back after Half a Century
Göran Malmqvist and CUHK:2014
News: Young Scholars' Forum in Chinese Studies
Event: 2014 ICS Luncheon III – Cantonese and Chinese: What are the Controversies and Why?
Event: Boulevard Echoes‧Chinese Music Lunchtime Performance
Event: The Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture – Conference on 'Biographies and Databases for Modern China: Hong Kong and Shanghai'
Event: Forum on University Chinese in the Four Year Curriculum
New Publications
The Bei Shan Tang Legacy: Chinese Calligraphy Education Gallery – Art Museum
Editorial Board Committee
Past Issues
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