2024 Jun | Volume 195

Enabling 2FA on all Application Authentications

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance security, we are moving forward with the second phase of implementing 2-Factor Authentication (DUO 2FA) on all application authentications that initiated in accordance with the University Information Security Policy.

Key Dates for DUO 2FA Enforcement on Application Authentication:

  • By October 4, 2023: CUHK staff and project accounts (including department/project, external user, student organization, and alumni association accounts) must use DUO 2FA for every login.
  • By July 3, 2024: CUHK students will also be required to use DUO 2FA for all logins.

To ensure a seamless authentication experience, please keep your DUO-enabled device (e.g., smartphone) ready for push notifications or passcode entry when logging into university and departmental IT systems. Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to pass DUO 2FA can be found in our knowledge article.

Reference: List of DUO 2FA integrated User Applications

Previous announcement: Compulsory 2FA for ALL System / Service Logins with OnePass Password (Nov 2023) ITSC eNewsletter (cuhk.edu.hk)

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