17 MAY 2024 ISSUE 15
1. From the University Librarian

Bright Prospects for The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library (CUHK Library)

“The library is a growing organism.” — S.R. Ranganathan

Welcome to the latest edition of our CUHK Library newsletter! In this issue, we turn our spotlight toward the New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library (New Asia College Library), celebrating its remarkable 50-year anniversary on the CUHK campus. As you will see in the article, the library has seen many changes over the years, as it has adapted to meet the ever-changing needs of our users. Today, the New Asia College Library is a fine home for collections that span the realms of Chinese language, literature and the fine arts. Whether you are a seasoned scholar or a curious novice explorer, this library invites you to discover or delve back into some classics of literature, with our friendly staff on hand to guide you if needed.

For those seeking deeper immersion in the literary culture of Guangdong, our Special Collections team unveils the Lingnan Collection. Highlights from this extraordinary collection can be found in our CUHK Digital Repository. 

As the world races towards an ever-more connected future, the CUHK Library remains at the forefront of innovation. Our physical library spaces have grown and been modernised steadily over the years, enabling the CUHK Library to build tremendously rich research collections and some awe-inspiring learning spaces. The Library is also pushing into the digital frontier: you can read about new major resources acquired in the past year in the newsletter.

In the spirit of CUHK’s mission, how might we combine the tradition of librarianship and the modernity of digital tools? Imagine a library that anticipates your needs, guiding you seamlessly through the labyrinth of information and misinformation. Building on the strong work of the CUHK Library in the areas of Digital Initiatives and Digital Scholarship, we are exploring how our library can sensibly embrace AI to enable us to realise our mission. We have launched Information Literacy training modules online. Find out more below and equip yourself with the skills to navigate the fast-paced digital landscape.

Nature puts a special emphasis on growth during this Spring season. Like the blossoms that adorn our surroundings on campus, the Library too evolves, adapts and flourishes. Most importantly, the Library is here to enable you to achieve your own research and educational growth.

Benjamin Meunier
University Librarian



Back to Issue
Table of Contents
1. From the University Librarian
2. New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary on CUHK Campus
3. Collections Spotlight – Lingnan Collection
4. New Acquisitions
5. What’s New & Upcoming?
6. Meet New Library Staff
7. Do You Know
8. Contact Us

Past Issue