2019 No.1
Event: Linguistics Seminars and the 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Language, T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre

The following seminars were organized by Office of Academic Links (China), co-organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and supported by the T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre:


Lecture Series by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Scholars

Date: March 6, 2019

Title: 晉語古日母字讀[n]的殘跡 (in Chinese)

Speaker: Professor SHEN Ming (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)


Lecture Series by Academia Sinica Academicians

Date: March 28, 2019

Title: Evidentiality As Information-access Marking: Evidence from Tibetic

Speaker: Professor Jackson Tian Shin Sun (Academia Sinica)


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Academic reflection: 網絡理論、情節分析︰從侶倫《窮巷》電影劇本出土說起
Event: The Life of Guangzhou Gentry on the Eve of the First Opium War—A Study of Xie Lansheng's Changxingxingzhai Diary 常惺惺齋日記
Event: "For Blessings and Guidance: The Qianlong Emperor's Design for State Sacrificial Vessels" opening ceremony, Art Museum
Event: Ancient Chinese Gold Techniques Lecture Series, Art Museum
Event: "Jewels of Transcendence" Lecture Series, Art Museum
Event: "Jewels of Transcendence" Special Tour, Art Museum
Event: Fai Chun Writing to Celebrate Chinese New Year, Art Museum
Event: Life and Arts in Pre-Modern China, Art Museum
Event: "For Blessings and Guidance" Symposium , Art Museum
Event: Opening Ceremony of "Strokes of Wonder: Figure Painting by Ren Bonian from the National Art Museum of China", Art Museum
Event: Xuanhuitang Lecture Series, Art Museum
Event: Linguistics Seminars and the 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Language, T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: Greater Bay Area Chinese Forum: The First Gathering of Representatives of Chinese Departments in the Region, T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: The 15th Graduate Seminar on China, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Event: Academic Seminars, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Event: Documentary Screening Series, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
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