Teachers and Affiliates

The Vice-Chancellor Cup 2024 

The Vice-Chancellor Cup 2024 was a major sporting event for the university's faculty and staff. It was held from late March to mid-April, culminating in a closing ceremony on April 13. Our College and Lee Woo Sing College formed the ‘Hejing’ (和敬)team, symbolising the affiliation of the two Colleges.

Our teachers and affiliates participated in various competitions, including badminton, basketball, soccer, and tennis. We are truly grateful for their enthusiastic contribution and support.

CWC Teachers and Affiliates Gathering

On 26 April, a special luncheon was hosted in the CWC Dining Room to express heartfelt gratitude to the teachers and affiliates who provide continuous support to the College. The event brought together 26 teachers, affiliates, and staff members for an afternoon of networking, connection, and community building.
‘This event serves as a chance to show the deepest gratitude to all our teachers and colleagues. You are those who have really helped through all these years,’ said the Master, Prof WONG, in her opening remarks. ‘This gathering is our way of thanking you for being such an integral part of the CWC family.’
Over the buffet lunch, College members reconnect with familiar faces and build relationships with new affiliates. The gathering reinforced the importance of the strong teacher and affiliate relationships that help drive our College forward. After the pandemic, as the College progresses, it is hoped that future gatherings will be held also in other forms, allowing the CWC family to socialise and bond.
Highlights of VC's Cup 2024
Highlights of VC's Cup 2024
Highlights of VC's Cup 2024
Highlights of VC's Cup 2024
Highlights of VC's Cup 2024
Highlights of VC's Cup 2024
Highlights of VC's Cup 2024
Highlights of VC's Cup 2024
The Master Prof WONG expressed her hearty gratitude to colleagues.
The Master Prof WONG expressed her hearty gratitude to colleagues.

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Teachers and Affiliates
Embracing the CWC Family: Hanna CHO's Indelible Exchange Journey
From Campus to the World: College Exchange Programmes
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Nanjing Discovery
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