Center for Housing Innovations
DOKOLNAL W., NOGRASEK M., DENGG E. A., & TSOU J. Y. 2017, July. Social housing in different cultures——Comparative study Western Europe and East Asia: a first attempt. Paper presented at the 12th China Urban Housing Conference - Intelligentization and Innovations for Sustainable High-dense Human Habitat Transformation, Guangzhou, China.
WONG, K., ZHANG, Y., TSOU, J. Y., & LI, Y. 2017. Assessing impervious surface changes in sustainable coastal land use: A case study in Hong Kong. Sustainability, 9(6), 1029.
WANG H., ZHANG, Y., TSOU, J. Y., & LI, Y. 2017. Surface urban heat island analysis of Shanghai (China) based on the change of land use and land cover. Sustainability, 9(9), 1538.
TSOU, J. Y., GAO, Y., ZHANG, Y., SUN, G., REN, J., & LI, Y. 2017. Evaluating urban land carrying capacity based on the ecological sensitivity analysis: A case study in Hangzhou, China. Remote Sensing, 9, 529.
TSOU J. Y., LI X., CHAN C. H., & LEUNG C. M. 2017, April. Accessibility assessment of out-door open space for active-aging based urban design: Case studies in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics (ICCBEI), Taipei, Taiwan.
TSOU, J. Y., ZHUANG, J., Li, Y., & ZHANG, Y. Z. 2017. Urban heat island assessment using the Landsat 8 data: A case study in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Urban Science, 1(1), 10.
ZHANG, Y., LI, Y., LIANG, X. S., & TSOU, J. Y. 2017. Comparison of oil spill classifications using fully and compact polarimetric SAR images. Applied Sciences, 7(2), 193.

Centre for Social and Political Development Studies
Chiu, S. W. K., & Wong, K. T. W. 2017. Happiness of Hong Kong youth from 2000 to 2014: Empirical evidence on the differential impact of socioeconomic conditions on youth versus other age groups. Journal of Youth Studies, DOI:10.1080/13676261.2017.1366014.
Hsiao, H. H. M., & Wan, P. S. 2017. The student-led movements of 2014 and public opinion: A comparison of Taiwan and Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, DOI: 10.1177/2057891117728341.

Centre for Quality of Life
Economic Research Centre
Law, C. K. & Leung, C. M. 2017. The Development of MSME Policies in Hong Kong: A Preliminary Investigation. Hong Kong: APEC Study Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Xiao, G., Zhang, Y., Law, C. K. & Meagher, D. 2017. The Future of China: The Foshan Model. Beijing: Citic Press.
Gender Research Centre
Suen Y. T. 2017. Challenging the "majority support" argument on not introducing an antidiscrimination legislation on the ground of sexual orientation in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Law Journal, 47(2): 421-444.
Suen, Y. T., Chan R. C. H., & Wong, M. Y. 2017. Mental health of transgender people in Hong Kong. Journal of Homosexuality. Advance online publication. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2017.1368772
Public Policy Research Centre
趙永佳、施德安。2017。「香港人求診中醫的變化 (1993−2015) 」。香港:研究專論第236號,香港中文大學香港亞太研究所。