Aug 2019     Issue 11
AI in Conference to Explore AI Trends and Showcase AI Projects
In celebration of the 55th anniversary of CUHK, the Centre for Innovation and Technology (CINTEC) staged a conference titled "Enroute to the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)" in July, drawing over 100 technology leaders, experts, researchers and government officials to discuss the growing trends of AI and its potential applications.

The conference was officiated at by Dr. David Wai-keung Chung, JP, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government, Professor Wai-yee Chan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor / Vice-President of CUHK, and Professor Martin D.F. Wong, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK, and chaired by Professor Wong Kam Fai, Associate Dean (External Affairs) of the Faculty of Engineering and Director of CINTEC, CUHK. The many AI experts and industry leaders invited to speak included Dr. Xuemei Gu, CTO, Cainiao of Alibaba Group, Professor Michael Lyu, Chairman, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CUHK, Professor Leo Jia, Distinguished Scientist and Executive Director, Tencent X-Lab, Dr. C.H. Cheng, Director, Research & Technology Development, Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre Limited, Dr. Mu Fang, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, VisionNav Robotics, Dr. Crystal Fok, Associate Director, MPE Cluster & Robotics Platform, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, and Dr. Charleston Sin, Director, Hong Kong Cyberport and Executive Director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Hong Kong Innovation Node.
In the conference, Dr. David Wai-keung Chung, JP, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government remarked, "Hong Kong's strength lies in world-class R&D capabilities at our local universities.  And CUHK's students and professors have been very successful to commercialise their R&D results to create high-valued ventures with great social impacts.
Professor Martin D. F. Wong, Dean of Engineering said, "AI is the technology that uses machine intelligence to simulate human intelligence in performing tasks and acquiring information. Thanks to all the breakthroughs in cloud computing, big data analysis and deep learning, the era of AI has just come to us, though its history dates back to the 1950's. Following the development of innovation and technology and the promotion of technology policies, Hong Kong is seeing a huge manpower shortage of AI specialists. CUHK is the first university in Hong Kong to launch the Bachelor of Engineering Programme in AI, aiming to meet today's tremendous demand for well-trained talent in AI and related specialisations. We hope it will help boost global economic development."

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