Aug 2019     Issue 11
FinTech: challenges and opportunities
Financial technology (FinTech), a newly emerging interdisciplinary field that combines finance and engineering, has been demonstrating its unprecedented potential to revolutionise the traditional financial services sector in a fundamental way. 
Multifunctional Microrobots: Swarm Intelligence and Practical Applications

In 1950s, Richard Feynman, winner of Nobel prize, firstly proposed the idea of "swallowable surgeons", to diagnose and treat diseases in tiny structures in human body. With the development of technology, magnetic actuated microrobots has been considered as a powerful tool to realize the fantasy and conduct biomedical tasks including targeted delivery, remote sensing, in-vivo tracking and therapy.
Scale-up prepared single-chain polymeric nanogels for regulation of cells

Prof. Bian Liming's team developed a novel method for preparing single chain nanomaterial with significantly improved efficiency over that of previous methods. He further investigated the impact of the dynamic molecular structural change of such material, and the cellular interactions in different biomedical applications at varying scales.

CUHK Engineering Faculty Highlights AI in Conference to Explore AI Trends and Showcase AI Projects

The conference was officiated at by Dr. David Wai-keung Chung, JP, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government, Professor Wai-yee Chan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor / Vice-President of CUHK, and Professor Martin D.F. Wong, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK, and chaired by Professor Wong Kam Fai, Associate Dean (External Affairs) of the Faculty of Engineering and Director of CINTEC, CUHK.

CUHK Robotics Team Triumphed at ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest in Mongolia

The Engineering student robotics team Phantom Dancer is the first Hong Kong team to win this international trophy for robotics since the game began in 2002.
PhD Student Received the First Place in ACM Student Research Competition

Mr. Gengjie Chen, a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Evangeline F. Y. Young has taken the First Place in the ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals for his research on VLSI routing.
AI in Conference to Explore AI Trends and Showcase AI Projects

CINTEC staged a conference in July, drawing over 100 technology leaders, experts, researchers and government officials to discuss the growing trends of AI and its potential applications.

The EDVR Framework Developed by Multimedia Lab won in the NTIRE 2019

Prof. Chen-change LOY (NTU, CUHK) and Prof Chao DONG (SIAT) led a joint team with members from CUHK, Nanyang Technological University, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, and SenseTime to develop a new deep learning method called EDVR.

Distinguished Alumnus Awarded US Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers

The PECASE Award is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on outstanding scientists and engineers in the early stages of their independent research careers.
Prof. Michael Lyu Received Ministry of Education Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award

The Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) is set up by the MoE to recognise outstanding research projects at all tertiary institutions in mainland China.
New Photodetector to Enhance High-Speed Optical Transmission to Meet the Tremendous Traffic Growth in Big Data Era

Ms. Gao Yun, a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Shu Ching-tat Chester has published a paper in Optica.
Engineering Professors Received IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award

Prof. Anthony Man-Cho So and Prof. Wing-Kin Ma received the 2018 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award at the 44th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing.
IEEE ICASSP 2019 Best Student Paper Award

Prof. Xunying Liu's PhD student, Mr. Xurong Xie, co-supervised with Prof. Tan Lee of Electronic Engineering Department, won the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Best Student Paper Award.
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