03 JAN 2022 ISSUE 16
A Talk Given by Dr. John Wright to the Secondary School Students

Dr. John Wright gave a talk to the secondary school students on how maths and statistics can be used to optimize matching, The Secretary Problem and k-means clustering at The ELCHK Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School on 25 November 2021. 

There were 55 participants and the talk was well-received by school teachers and students who commended Dr. Wright delivered a great talk during which he illustrated mathematical ideas with interesting analogies and useful examples.

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Table of Contents
1. Message from the Chair
2. New Staff
3. Honors and Awards

Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2020
Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2020
Best Teaching Assistant Award 2020-21
2021 Outstanding Student Award
Recipients of Department of Statistics Scholarships
Overseas Research Award for PhD Students
Research Postgraduate Student Grant for Conferences
4. New Bachelor of Science programme - Computational Data Science (CDAS)
5. Department Activities

MSc Programmes
A Talk Given by Dr. John Wright to the Secondary School Students
The Virtual Symposium on Statistics and Risk Management 2020
6. Global Young Scientists Summit 2021
7. Sharing from the Awardee of Overseas Research Award for PhD Students
8. Department of Statistics Summer Internship 2021
9. Internship Sharing

Past Issue