Executive Exchange Programmes |
- The 7th Interflow Program for Mainland Academic Links Officers in Cooperation with the Ministry of Education - Exchange Seminar of Association for Introducing Foreign Intelligence under Chinese Association of Higher Education - 2014 Cross-Strait Forum for Academic Exchange Heads |
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Visits |
- Delegation from Kunming University of Science and Technology
- Visit of Executive Vice Chairman of the University Council of Renmin University
- Other Important Visits |
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Invitation |
-Lecture Series by Academicians on 3 December, 2014
-Invitation to offer summer courses in Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
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Forthcoming Events |
Major forthcoming activities (including VIP visits and academic exchange activities) which will be organized and /or coordinated by OALC are set out as below. If you have any related collaboration proposals, please contact us via oalc@cuhk.edu.hk. |
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The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements |
Agreement(s) newly established between The Chinese University of Hong Kong and higher education institutions in the Mainland / Taiwan: |
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suggestions and contributions to
Contributions should be sent to the office by the 22nd day before the issue month.