The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Aug 01, 2017 Volume 135
Office of Academic Links(China)
Strategic Outreach Trips

1. Vice-Chancellor of CUHK Visits Guizhou and Chongqing with University Presidents
Associate Vice-President of CUHK Participates in the 4th Forum on Education of Modern Residential Colleges

Group photo of the Hong Kong University Presidents’ Delegation
Academic Exchange Activities

Greater China MOOC Symposium

Group photo of participants in the 4th Greater China MOOC Symposium
Student Interflow Programmes

1. CUHK First Organizes Cultural Exchange Programme on the Belt and Road Initiative with Beijing and Lanzhou
2. Activity Highlights of CU in Mainland & Taiwan Activities in July

Jump in front of the Beijing National Stadium!  (Photo credit: Miss. Lau Hoi Ying; programme host: Beihang University)
Linkage Incoming Visits

Vice President of Kunming Medical University Visits CUHK

Prof. Zhang Jun (fourth from left), Vice President of Kunming Medical University, visits CUHK and meets with Prof. Fok Tai-fai (fourth from right), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK
Faculty Mobility Schemes

2017 Hong Kong Scholar Programme: A Record high of successful matches in CUHK

Academic Exchange Funds

1. University Academic Exchange Fund (China)
2. Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Education Development Fund for Academic Exchange Programme with Institutions in Ningbo/Fudan University Calling
3. Conference Grant Supported by K.C. Wong Education Foundation

Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

The following agreements were newly established between CUHK and tertiary institutions in mainland China:

Forthcoming Events

Major activities to be organized and coordinated by OALC in August are set out below.  Any collaboration proposals in relation to the following incoming delegations can be forwarded to us via email to

:: Strategic Outreach Trips
:: Academic Exchange Activities
:: Student Interflow Programmes
:: Linkage Incoming Visits
:: Faculty Mobility Schemes
:: Academic Exchange Funds
:: Latest Academic Exchange Agreements
:: Forthcoming Events

Please send enquiries,
suggestions and contributions to

Contributions should be sent to the office by the 22nd day before the issue month.


Copyright 2025. Office of Academic Links (China), The Chinese University of Hong Kong. All rights reserved.