The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dec 01, 2016 Volume 127
Office of Academic Links(China)
Strategic Collaboration

CUHK Participates in Initiation of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Alliance

Representatives of member institutions under the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Alliance pose for a group photo
Outreach Visits

1. CUHK Attends the Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of CAS
2. Vice-Chancellor of CUHK Joins Sino-German University Presidents Forum on Tertiary Education and Technological Innovation
3. Associate Vice-President of CUHK Participates in Sino-Foreign University Presidents Forum and Ningbo-Hong Kong Education Co-operation Forum
4. Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK Attends the 110
th Anniversary of Jinan University

Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, delivers a speech at the
Executive Exchange Programmes

The 9th Interflow Programme for Mainland Academic Links Officers in Cooperation with the Ministry of Education

Members of the programme pose for a group photo after the opening ceremony
Student Interflow Programmes

1. CUHK Sends Students for Industrial Exploration and Cultural Exchange in Moscow in Collaboration with HIT
2. Winter Activities under CU in Mainland & Taiwan

Students pose for a group photo on snow in Moscow
Academic Exchange Activities

Invitation to Lecture Series by Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) Academicians (7 December 2016)

Invitation to Lecture Series by Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) Academicians (7 December 2016)
Faculty Mobility Schemes

Invitation to the Hong Kong Scholars Programme 2017

Invitation to Participate in the Hong Kong Scholars Programme 2017
Information Flow

1. China Links Seminar: Latest Developments of National Education Policy
2. CUHK Ranked Top Innovative University in Hong Kong

Mr. Wang Zhiwei, Deputy Director of the Office of Hong Kong, Macao & Taiwan Affairs of the State Ministry of Education, shares his insights at the China Links Seminar
Exchange Funds

Funding Scheme to Support Academic Exchange with Fudan University and Institutions in Ningbo

Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

The following agreements were newly established between CUHK and tertiary institutions in mainland China / Taiwan:

Forthcoming Events

Major activities to be organized and coordinated by OALC in December are set out below.  For any collaboration proposals in relation to the following incoming delegation, please feel free to contact usus via email:

:: Strategic Collaboration
:: Outreach Visits
:: Executive Exchange Programmes
:: Student Interflow Programmes
:: Academic Exchange Activities
:: Faculty Mobility Schemes
:: Information Flow
:: Exchange Funds
:: Latest Academic Exchange Agreements
:: Forthcoming Events

Please send enquiries,
suggestions and contributions to

Contributions should be sent to the office by the 22nd day before the issue month.


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