Issue 29 05 Jul 2024
From the Editor

We are pleased to present the 29th edition of the CW Chu College Newsletter, which recounts the events and accomplishments from July 2023 onwards. It is heartening to witness the resurgence of diverse student activities following the challenging pandemic.

The College congratulates our members on receiving the following awards for their outstanding achievements:
This year, our students showed greater engagement in sports. More students participated in sports tryouts and even initiated sports activities. The College has allocated resources to support the growing demand and provided additional training opportunities.
Joyce (second left) performed at CWC Festival 2023.
Joyce (second left) performed at CWC Festival 2023.
Teachers and Affiliates
The Vice-Chancellor Cup 2024 

The Vice-Chancellor Cup 2024 was a major sporting event for the university's faculty and staff. It was held from late March to mid-April, culminating in a closing ceremony on April 13. Our College and Lee Woo Sing College formed the ‘Hejing’ (和敬)team, symbolising the affiliation of the two Colleges.
Highlights of VC's Cup 2024
Highlights of VC's Cup 2024
Embracing the CWC Family: Hanna CHO's Indelible Exchange Journey
Embracing the CWC Family: Hanna CHO's Indelible Exchange Journey

Hanna CHO, who studies at Ewha Womans University in Korea, shares her amazing experience during her exchange programme at CWC, CUHK. She tells us how the friendly community and the College activities in CWC became the transformative power of her personal development.  
The 2nd High Table Dinner of the Year 2023–24 became one of Hanna's most unforgettable memories.
The 2nd High Table Dinner of the Year 2023–24 became one of Hanna's most unforgettable memories.
From Campus to the World: College Exchange Programmes
From Campus to the World: College Exchange Programmes

Exchange programmes facilitate transformative cross-cultural immersion and personal growth. Christie LAM (Psychology/Year 3) spent a semester at Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
Picnic on May 1, celebrating Vappu, a Finnish student holiday
Picnic on May 1, celebrating Vappu, a Finnish student holiday
College Life
A large variety of activities were held for College students in the year 2023–24.

Details of activities up to the end of 2023 have also been reported in the Report of the Master 2023.
College O' Camp 2023
College O' Camp 2023
Nanjing Discovery
From Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum to the Yangtze Fishing Ban – Nanjing Discovery

Fourteen students from CWC took part in a study tour to Nanjing University from 26 to 31 December 2023. This tour was a joint initiative between CUHK and Nanjing University, focusing on environmental sustainability. For first-year medical student WONG Sze Chit, the cultural experiences during the tour were an added bonus.
Sharing from International Students

How CWC embraces the vision of ‘International’: Sharing from International Students

In this issue, we feature reflections from two international students: Sattar KADIR (Mechanical & Automation Engineering/Year 3) and Muhammad Usman bin MUJEEB (Computer Science/Year 2). Their perspectives offer valuable insights into the experiences of overseas students at CWC, enriching our understanding of 4I – International. This article is only available in English.

Sattar (left) was the English Master of Ceremony of College Photo Day 2024.
Sattar (left) was the English Master of Ceremony of College Photo Day 2024.
Involved in Service
Involved is one of the visions embraced in CWC. Students are engaged in and involved with the broader community through service. See how our students are devoted to achieving this vision.
Lance and his teammates conducted the project Common Language, which uses music as the medium to provide services.
Lance and his teammates conducted the project Common Language, which uses music as the medium to provide services.
Event Highlights
High Table Dinners in 2023–24

In 2023–24, the College organised two High Table Dinners.

High Table Dinner (Term 1) on 2 November 2023
Guest of Honour: Mr PHAM Binh Dam, the Consul-General of Vietnam to Hong Kong

Topic: Why international experiences matter
Mr PHAM Binh Dam
Mr PHAM Binh Dam
Our Graduates
The College celebrates graduation each year and welcomes all alumni back on campus.
2022–2023 CW Chu College Graduation Ceremony
2022–2023 CW Chu College Graduation Ceremony
Our Alumni
Alumni Sharing

In 2019, as a freshman in an unfamiliar environment at CWC, WAN Yuxuan, Tony (AI: Systems and Tech/Class of 2023) received the support and guidance from Ian, one of the previous Resident Tutors. In the following years, the warm and harmonious College life brought him pleasant and wonderful memories. Today, as an alumnus of CWC, Tony has become a Resident Tutor himself, serving the students and passing on the spirit of CWC. (This article is only available in English.)
Tony (second right) was attending College High Table Dinner when he was an undergraduate.
Tony (second right) was attending College High Table Dinner when he was an undergraduate.
The College received the following visitors in the Academic Year 2023–24.
Dr Chuck JOHNSON, President of Vincennes University and a group of Chu Scholars visited the College.
Dr Chuck JOHNSON, President of Vincennes University and a group of Chu Scholars visited the College.
Donations (1 July 2023–30 June 2024)
The College expresses its sincere appreciation to the following donors for their generous support:
Personalia (1 July 2023–30 June 2024)
Next Issue
The next issue of the CW Chu College is scheduled to be published in January 2025. College members are welcome to provide news and contributions (in either Chinese or English) to the College Office via email ( by 6 December 2024.

From the Editor
Teachers and Affiliates
Embracing the CWC Family: Hanna CHO's Indelible Exchange Journey
From Campus to the World: College Exchange Programmes
College Life
Nanjing Discovery
Sharing from International Students
Involved in Service
Event Highlights
Our Graduates
Our Alumni
Donations (1 July 2023–30 June 2024)
Personalia (1 July 2023–30 June 2024)
Next Issue

Past Issue