27 AUG 2021 ISSUE 1

<Only Chinese version is available>


過去兩年是動盪的兩年,這個新辦公室亦於2020年8月在疫情籠罩下成立。 成立初期面對著種種的挑戰,學校因為疫情不能面授,我們的學生亦都因此不能到學校正常實習,如何讓學生安全地完成實習是我們的一大挑戰。

記起疫情初到,學校都有點不知所措,對於如何進行網課也未有十分的把握。在他們自顧不暇之際,也很難去照顧我們的實習學生。那時找實習學校的確是一種挑戰。幸好得到不少校長、老師和同事的支持,難關一步一步闖過,中大雲上師 (CU in the Cloud) 亦在那時應運而生。不少同學亦慢慢掌握網課的技巧,開展了他們的網上教學實習......

Dr Victor Lau
Assistant Dean (Field and Professional Experiences)
Director of Office of School Partnership and Community Engagement
Faculty of Education, CUHK

Acknowledgement - 2020-21 Placement Schools

The previous academic year has been a challenging one for many of us. The Office of School Partnership and Community Engagement (SPCE) greatly values the gracious support from the participating schools listed in this corner that kindly offered Teaching Practicum (TP) and Pre-Teaching Practicum (Pre-TP) opportunities during the academic year of 2020-21.

Sharing of Graduates
   Siu Pok 

PGDP-Visual Arts and Mathematics (Double Majors)

   Wilson Wan 

BA (English Studies) and BEd (English Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme (ELED) 


Annual Seminar - STEAM教育多面睇

To promote teacher professional development and enhance collaborations between schools and the Faculty, an online Annual Seminar entitled "STEAM 教育多面睇" was held on 30 June 2021. We were honored to have Professor Lam Hon Ming from our School of Life Sciences as the guest speaker to explore the rationale and importance of STEAM education. Professor Lam also shared how to connect STEAM education with topics, such as curricula, conservation, community service and university research, etc. and put them into practice to cultivate talents through his extensive scientific research and teaching experiences. 

Highlights of Professional Development Activities

To enhance student teachers’ professional development, a wide array of activities were organized by our Office throughout the 2020-21 academic year. Some were highlighted and shared in this corner.

CU in the Cloud

"CU in the Cloud" was an initiative last year in response to the school suspension due to the pandemic. Together with some dedicated teacher educators and student teachers of our Faculty, the meaning task continued in the academic year of 2020-21 and a series of LIVE online lessons of various subjects were produced to benefit over 400 participating students. In addition, some new Youtube Channels were created for regular upload of our online classes to share online learning resources and contribute to the education community. 

Alumni Mentorship Scheme

We are inviting our alumni of  Faculty of Education to serve as school mentors in the teaching practicum of our students. We believe that our alumni, who are mostly experienced teachers and school administrators, will be taking good care of their junior brothers and sisters and help them grow professionally and personally. Interested alumni could check out this corner for more details.

NEW CORNER - Job Opportunities

Check out our new corner "JOB OPPORTUNITIES 就業機會" on our website which summarises job posts referred by local schools to our CUHK student teachers.  

Office of School Partnership and Community Engagement
Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Website: https://www.fed.cuhk.edu.hk/spce/

Tel: (852) 3943 6987 / 3943 6961
Fax: (852) 2603 7987
Email: spce@cuhk.edu.hk
Follow us @cuhkspce
Facebook: facebook.com/cuhkspce
Instagram: instagram.com/cuhkspce

The next issue of the e-Newsletter will be published in January/February 2022.
Faculty members are welcome to provide news to our Office via email (tristacheung@cuhk.edu.hk) by 10 December 2021.

*Special thanks to our alumnus, Siu Pok (2020-21 PGDP-Visual Arts and Mathematics (Double Majors)) for designing the e-banner of「教思」e-Newsletter

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement - 2020-21 Placement Schools
Sharing of Graduates
Annual Seminar - STEAM教育多面睇
Highlights of Professional Development Activities
CU in the Cloud
Alumni Mentorship Scheme
NEW CORNER - Job Opportunities

Past Issue