The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 01, 2018 Volume 140
Office of Academic Links(China)
Partnership and Collaboration

1. The 10th Meeting of CUHK-SYSU Partnership Steering Committee Convenes in Guangzhou
2. Associate Vice-President of CUHK Joins 2nd China-UK Dialogue on Humanities in Higher Education cum Think-tank Forum

Participants of CUHK-SYSU Partnership Steering Committee pose for a group photo outside the meeting venue
Strategic Outreach Trips

1. CUHK Delegation Visits Major Partners in Beijing
2. CUHK Joins Guangdong International Applied Science & Technology Trade Expo
3. CUHK Research Teams Participate in China (Dongguan) International Science and Technology Cooperation Week

Senior members of CUHK and Tsinghua University discuss collaboration issues
Linkage Incoming Visits

1. President of Chinese Academy of Sciences Visits CUHK
2. President of Jilin University Visits CUHK
3. Associate Vice President of Fudan University Visits CUHK
4. Other Important Incoming Visits

The delegation led by Prof. Bai Chunli from the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) visits the School of Biomedical Sciences with a group photo posed with school members
Student Interflow Programmes

1. CUHK Jointly Organizes Chinese Musical Performance with Tsinghua University
2. Highlights of Winter Student Interflow Activities under CU in Mainland & Taiwan 2017
3. Invitation to CUHK Summer Research Placement Programme for Mainland and Taiwan Students 2018

Miss Michelle Siu touches the hearts of the audience with her great voice
Academic Exchange Activities

1. CAE Academician Tan Shusen Gives Lecture at CUHK
2. CUHK Joins Hands with NSFC in Conference on Cardiovascular Calcium Signaling Pathway
3. CUHK Institute of Space and Earth Information Science Provides Timely Information on Iran-Iraq Earthquake to Ministry of Science and Technology

Prof. Fanny Cheung (middle), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and other faculty members welcomes Prof. Tan Shusen (third from left)
Information Flow

CUHK Holds Distinguished Lecture Series in Beijing

Group photo of Prof. Joseph Sung and audience at the “CUHK Distinguished Lecture Series”
Forthcoming Events

Major activities to be organized and coordinated by OALC in January this year are set out below.  Any collaboration proposals in relation to the following incoming delegations can be forwarded to us via email to

:: Partnership and Collaboration
:: Strategic Outreach Trips
:: Linkage Incoming Visits
:: Student Interflow Programmes
:: Academic Exchange Activities
:: Information Flow
:: Forthcoming Events

Please send enquiries,
suggestions and contributions to

Contributions should be sent to the office by the 22nd day before the issue month.


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