Date of Signing | Name of Agreement |
20 August | MOU for Collaborations between Kunming Medical University and School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK |
5 September | MOU between Faculty of Social Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University |
12 September | MOU for Collaborations between Capital Medical University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong |
19 September | Agreement for Establishing the CUHK-Nankai Joint Center for Social Policy Studies between Chinese University of Hong Kong and Nankai University |
19 September | Collaboration Agreement on Strategic Environment Assessment between Chinese University of Hong Kong and Nankai University |
22 September | MOU on establishing "The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Zhejiang University Joint Research Centre for Human Reproduction and Related Diseases" between the Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Faculty of Medicine of Zhejiang University |
26 September | MOU for Collaborations between the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Jilin University |