The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Oct 04, 2008 Volume 23
Office of Academic Links(China)
Fresh Look of OALC Website

The revamped OALC website has been launched. The new website provides comprehensive information about academic cooperation and exchanges between CUHK and institutions in the mainland and Taiwan. It covers areas such as collaboration projects, student activities, academic exchange funding, and our service etc. To visit the new website, please go to:

:: Back to This Issue
:: Delegation from Chinese Academy of Engineering Visits CUHK for the "Academicians Visitorship Programme"
:: Chief Scientist of China's Lunar Exploration Programme Talks at CUHK
:: Vice-President of the Capital Medical University Visits CUHK
:: CUHK Delegation to Nankai University
:: Fresh Look of OALC Website
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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