The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Aug 01, 2017 Volume 135
Office of Academic Links(China)
Strategic Outreach Trips

1. Vice-Chancellor of CUHK Visits Guizhou and Chongqing with University Presidents
Associate Vice-President of CUHK Participates in the 4th Forum on Education of Modern Residential Colleges


Vice-Chancellor of CUHK Visits Guizhou and Chongqing with University Presidents


Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, participated in a delegation of Hong Kong University Presidents to visit Guizhou and Chongqing. The visit was organized to facilitate exchange between institutes in Hong Kong, Guizhou and Chongqing for further advancement. More than 20 senior members of local universities took part in the activities.


During their stay in Guizhou, the delegation attended the "Guizhou-Hong Kong University President Forum" at Guizhou University. Prof. Sung delivered a speech at the Forum, sharing experience on topics relating to the recent development of tertiary education between Hong Kong and mainland China. The delegates also visited the large-scale national scientific research facility named "Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope" (FAST), Guiyang Big Data Exhibition Centre and the Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences to learn more about the research developments in the regions and have academic exchange.


PVC Prof. Fanny Cheung participated in the "Chongqing-Hong Kong University President Exchange Forum" in Chongqing. Delegates shared their views at the meeting on possible approaches to promote exchange between institutes in Hong Kong and Chongqing, paving way for further collaboration. The delegation next paid visit to Chong Qing Normal University and Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, followed by touring the Industry Park. The visits enhanced communication to know more about the latest development of innovation and entrepreneurship in Chongqing.


CUHK has established links with institutions in south west regions of mainland China with collaborative areas in medicine, information technology, language, education and relics conservation. This visit contributed to bolster linkages between CUHK and institutes in Guizhou and Chongqin, expanding the scope of further collaboration which fosters future plans of partnership developments.



Associate Vice-President of CUHK Participates in the 4th Forum on Education of Modern Residential Colleges

Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), led a delegation of 10 to visit Xi'an from July 20 to 23, joining the 4th Forum on Education of Modern Residential Colleges. Members of the delegation included Prof. Jimmy Yu, Head of United College (UC), Prof Barley Mak, Associate College Head and Dean of Students of United College, Prof. Pun Kong pang, Assembly Fellows of Wu Yee Sun College, Mrs. Alice Law, College Secretary of Lee Woo Sing College,  Ms. Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China) and two UC student representatives. The delegates exchanged views with representatives from Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan and overseas institutions on modern college education in universities.


The Forum is an annual event under the University College Alliance. The theme this year was "Modern College Connotation and General Education". Around 450 scholars, teachers and students from over 60 institutes in Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan, Macau, Australia and the United Kingdom participated in the event, which included representatives from the St. Anthony's College, Oxford University and The University of Sydney. Participants discussed topics on talent nurturing, modern college system establishment, as well as college function and development. Prof. Wong Suk-ying gave a keynote presentation at the Forum on "Role and Function of College System in a Comprehensive Research University". Prof. Jimmy Yu also gave a report sharing all-round education mechanism in College, highlighting the spirit and features of the United College in CUHK and opportunities brought by non-formal education. The student representatives shared experience at the Student Forum.


The University College Alliance was jointly established by the United College of CUHK, Houde College of National Tsing Hua University, Chengchi College of National Chengchi University, Renzhong College of Fudan University, Wenzhi College of Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Meng Xiancheng College of East China Normal University and Zhixing College of Beihang University in July 2014. It aims to explore the development of college system and to enhance the quality of college education among member universities, contributing to talents nurturing in Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan.  As one of the founding members of the Alliance, CUHK will organize the next annual forum in 2018.

Group photo of the Hong Kong University Presidents’ Delegation

Delegates visit the Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Guizhou

Group photo of Representatives at “Chongqing-Hong Kong University President Exchange Forum”

Delegates visit Chongqing Normal University

Prof. Wong Suk-ying (fifth from right), Associate Vice-President of CUHK, leads a delegation to join the 4th Forum on Education of Modern Residential Colleges

Representatives from Member Universities of the College Alliance officiate at Opening Ceremony to kick off the Forum

Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President of CUHK ,delivers a keynote presentation

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