The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
May 01, 2017 Volume 132
Office of Academic Links(China)
Academic Exchange Activities

1. The 6th Visit Programme cum Lecture Series by Academia Sinica Academicians
2. Prof. Cui Peng of Chinese Academy of Sciences Gives Lecture in CUHK


The 6th Visit Programme cum Lecture Series by Academia Sinica Academicians


The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) held the Academia Sinica (AS) Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series from 18 to 21 April on campus.  Three distinguished academicians from the Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences of AS were invited to CUHK this year, including Prof. Liu Tai-Ping, Distinguished Visiting Chair of Institute of Mathematics; Prof. Li Ker-Chau, Distinguished Research Fellow of Institute of Statistical Science; and Prof. Mou Chung-Yuan, Professor of Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan  University.  They delivered public lectures and met with CUHK representatives to discuss collaboration opportunities in the fields of Science.


The delegates were warmly received by CUHK senior management members including Prof. Fanny Cheung and Prof. Isabella Poon, Pro-Vice-Chancellors; Prof. Henry Wong, Faculty Dean of Science; Prof. Shao Qiman, Department Chairman of Statistics; Prof. Raymond Chan, Department Chairman of Mathematics; Prof. Yeung Ying Yeung, Department Chairman of Chemistry; and Prof. Xin Zhouping, Associate Director of Institute of Mathematical Sciences.  CUHK members introduced to the delegates up-to-date development of the University.  The three academicians also visited various teaching and research units of the Departments of Statistics, Mathematics and Chemistry respectively, during which they met with relevant faculty members to exchange ideas and explore possibilities for further research collaboration.


On 19 and 20 April, the three academicians delivered public lectures for the "Lecture Series by Academicians" to share their experience and expertise in their respective fields of research.  More than two hundred staff and students from CUHK and members of the general public were attracted to the lectures.


The AS Academicians Visit Programme was launched by the University in 2011 to promote academic exchange with AS and to enhance research competitiveness of the University.  Details of the visit programme can be found here.



Prof. Cui Peng of Chinese Academy of Sciences Gives Lecture in CUHK


The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) organized the 10th Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Academicians' Visit Programme cum Lecture Series.  Prof. Cui Peng, Division of Earth Sciences of CAS, was invited to visit CUHK from 27 April to 1 May. He was introduced to the latest development and research plans of the University by meeting with CUHK members including Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President; Prof. Lin Hui, Director of Institute of Space and Earth Information Science; and Ms Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China).


Prof. Cui also paid visit to the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, where he exchanged views with Prof. Lin Hui regarding further opportunities of more diversified collaboration based on the existing ties.  On 28 April, Prof. Cui gave a presentation on the natural hazards and environmental risk management along the Belt and Road regions in the Academicians' Lecture Series, and shared his recent research insights with members of CUHK and of the public.


First held in 2008, the Programme invites five to six academicians of CAS annually to visit CUHK and host academicians' lectures, with multiple aims of promoting further academic exchange between CUHK and CAS in various research fields, building up collaboration platforms and enhancing academic and research standards of both institutions.  In late February earlier this year, OALC celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Programme and invited four academicians to visit CUHK. They include Prof. Peng Shige, Prof. Wu Yueliang and Prof. Du Jiangfeng of the Division of Mathematics and Physics, as well as Prof. Cao Xiaofeng of the Division of Life Sciences and Medical Sciences.  Prof. Tan Tieniu, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government (LOCPG) in the HKSAR and former Vice-President of CAS joined the celebratory activities  at CUHK as well.  Details of the programme in February and April can be found here:

Prof. Fanny Cheung (middle), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, welcomes the delegates of the Academia Sinica

Prof. Isabella Poon (third from left), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, hosts the welcome dinner for AS Academicians

Prof. Shao Qiman, Chairman of Statistics presented a souvenir to Prof. Li Ker-Chau, Division of Mathematics and Physical Science, AS

Prof. Raymond Chan, Chairman of Mathematics presented a souvenir to Prof. Liu Tai-Ping, Division of Mathematics and Physical Science, AS

Prof. Henry Wong, Dean of Science presented a souvenir to Prof. Mou  Chung-Yuan, Division of Mathematics and Physical Science, AS

Prof. Cui Peng, Division of Earth Sciences of CAS, poses for a photo with Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK

Prof. Cui Peng poses for a photo with Prof. Veronica Wong, Associate Vice-President of CUHK (2nd from right)

Prof. Cui Peng tours around the campus of CUHK

Prof. Lin Hui, Director of Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, presents a souvenir to Prof. Cui Peng

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