The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jun 01, 2016 Volume 121
Office of Academic Links(China)
Strategic Outreaching Trips

1. Delegation led by CUHK Vice-Chancellor Visits Ningbo

2. CUHK Attends General Meeting of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of China


Delegation led by CUHK Vice-Chancellor Visits Ningbo


Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), led a delegation to visit Ningbo from May 30 to June 1 2016.  The delegates visited Ningbo University (NBU) and met with officials of the city governments of Ningbo Cixi and Fenghua to discuss further collaboration opportunities.  CUHK delegation comprised Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President; Prof. Francis Chan, Faculty Dean of Medicine; Prof. Liu Yunhui, Director of T Stone Robotics Institute; and Dr Andrew Yuen from the Faculty of Business.


Apart from meeting with senior members of NBU including Prof. Guo Huawei, Party Secretary; Prof. Shen Manhong, President; and Prof. Feng Zhimin, Vice-President, delegates also held group meetings with respective representatives in the Business School, Medical School, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Maritime and Transportation, and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics of NBU.  Visits were paid to laboratories and research facilities with meetings to receive updates of recent developments.  During the visit, CUHK and NBU signed a general agreement in promoting academic exchange and establishing collaboration in medical undergraduate education.


President Sung and CUHK delegates also visited local hospitals including Ningbo First Hospital, Ningbo Third Hospital and Cixi Hospital to have a better understanding about their medical facilities and overall planning. Professor Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President and Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, also took the opportunity to visit some major high schools in the region.  Other faculty members also arranged visits to local enterprises and groups in automation and logistics to explore cooperation plans.


CUHK has been in close partnership with various cities and institutions in Zhejiang Province.  A memorandum of understanding on the establishment of  the Li Dak Sum Academic Exchange Fund for collaboration was signed with NBU in 2011 to support academic and student exchange, as well as research and training between the two universities.  There have been visits and joint activities between CUHK and Zhejiang Province. This outreach trip consolidated the linkage efforts, paving the way for future collaboration.


CUHK Attends General Meeting of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of China


The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of China convened its first general meeting in Tsinghua University on May 21.  Prof. Wong Kam-fai, Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Chairman of Committee on Advancement of Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship, attended the meeting on behalf of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He shared his experience on education of entrepreneurship and innovation with representatives of nearly 20 institutions in mainland China and Hong Kong.  Mr. Wu Aihua from Office of Higher Education of the State Ministry of Education (MOE) stressed the importance of education of entrepreneurship and innovation in teritiary institutions at the opening of the meeting.


Apart from the annual work review, member institutions discussed recent plans and duties of the alliance including the second presidents' forum, the construction of Internet platforms, summer training classes for teachers, as well as training camps and competitions for university students. Prof. Wong exchanged views in the meeting and reported on CUHK's upcoming entrepreneurship minor programme, and the University's approach of promoting entrepreneurship  education in combining with general education.


The alliance was founded in June 11, 2015 with the first batch of 137 mainland tertiary institutions and 50 enterprises and organizations. With concerted efforts, the alliance aims to lead the nation's entrepreneurship and innovation development by riding on the strengths of human resources in tertiary institutions, to create an atmosphere conducive to the development and to nurture more talents in relevant areas. CUHK was invited by Tsinghua Univresity to join the Alliance and has become a member university since March 2016.

Prof. Joseph Sung (middle), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, signs a general collaboration agreement with Prof. Shen Manhong, President of Ningbo University

Delegates of CUHK visit Ningbo University

Prof. Joseph Sung (left), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, meets with Mr Zhang Minghua, Deputy Mayor of Ningbo City

Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, visits Ningbo First Hospital

Prof. Joseph Sung (middle), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Prof. Francis Chan (third from right) meet with representatives of the Medical School of Ningbo University

Prof. Wong Suk-ying (fourth from left), visits Cixi High School

Delegates of CUHK visit Fenghua

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