The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Apr 01, 2016 Volume 119
Office of Academic Links(China)
Executive Exchange

Sharing and Exhibition Day for the State MOE Ten Thousand Student Interflow Programme

The Office of Academic Links (China) organized a Sharing and Exhibition Day for the State Ministry of Education (MOE) Ten Thousand Student Interflow Programme on March 10, 2016 (Thursday). Over 60 representatives from  37 mainland universities were invited to join the event.  CUHK members and representatives of academic and research units, colleges and administrative units participate in the activity and met with their mainland partners to share relevant experience in organizing the activities under the programme.  The mainland guests also grasped the chance to exhibit materials of their various programmes in the foyer of Yasumoto International Academic Park to provide comprehensive programme information on a variety of experiential learning activities in 2016 Individual meetings were also arranged among mainland participants and CUHK units to further discuss and explore collaboration plans in the future.


Mr. Wang Zhiwei, Deputy Director of the Office for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Affairs of MOE; Mr. Zhang Zongming, Deputy Inspector of the Education, Science and Technology Department, Liaison Office of The Central People's Government in the HKSAR; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President of CUHK officiated at the opening ceremony.  They expressed appreciation to mainland partner universities and said that CUHK has been actively participating in the programme since its launch in 2013, in close collaboration with various mainland institutions, to create valuable experiential learning opportunities for CUHK students.  It is hoped that CUHK units will further enhance the quality of the activities. They encouraged CUHK students to get to broaden their horizon via the participation and to build friendship with students all over the country.

The State MOE Ten Thousand Student Interflow Programme aims to financially support a wide variety of exchange activities and projects jointly organized by mainland and local institutions for Hong Kong students.  For enquiries, please contact Mr. Simon LEUNG of our Office at 39434412 or via

Participants all wear a cheerful smile and give a “like” to the Programme!

Mr. Wang Zhiwei, Deputy Director of the Office for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Affairs of the State Ministry of Education, gives a speech at the Opening Ceremony of the event

Mr. Zhang Zongming, Deputy Inspector of the Education, Science and Technology Department, Liaison Office of The Central People's Government in the HKSAR, gives a speech at the Opening Ceremony of the event

Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, presents certificates to representatives of mainland partner institutions to thank them for providing valuable experiential learning opportunities for CUHK students

Representatives of mainland and local institutions gather to share relevant experience in organizing activities under the Programme

CUHK students share their experience of experiential learning in mainland China with the audience

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