The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 29, 2021 Volume 176
Office of Academic Links(China)
Partnership and Collaboration

1. CUHK Signs Agreement with Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory on Strategic Collaboration
2. CUHK Participates in Mainland-Hong Kong-Macau Law Education Alliance Board Meeting cum Talent Nurturing Seminar
3. CUHK Discusses Collaboration Plans with Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences
4. Joint Training Scheme for PhD Students in the Greater Bay Area


CUHK Signs Agreement with Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory on Strategic Collaboration

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (The Laboratory) signed a collaboration agreement to jointly promote the development and innovation breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) and related interdisciplinary areas. An agreement-signing ceremony was held at CUHK on 6 January 2021. Professor Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Professor Tang Xiao-Ou, Director of the Laboratory signed the strategic collaboration agreement on behalf of both parties. Professor Alan Chan, Provost of CUHK; Professor Fok Tai-Fai and Professor Sham Mai-Har, Pro-Vice-Chancellors of CUHK; Professor Wong Suk-Ying, Associate Vice President of CUHK; and relevant members of the Laboratory witnessed the signing.

The collaboration will focus on the major needs of the country and the development of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, comprising key issues in the field of AI and related disciplines, jointly creating a world-class interdisciplinary innovation platform. Riding on the unique advantages and complementary strengths, both parties will embark on establishing an open and efficient mechanism to bring far-reaching impact not only in original theories and innovative technologies of AI, but also multidisciplinary research and emerging industry applications. It will carry out a full range of strategic cooperation in recruitment of research talents, joint training of youngsters, innovation ecology in combining research, education and knowledge transfer, and sharing of achievements.

Based on the University’s world-leading research excellence, CUHK has identified its research priorities to focus interdisciplinary research directions to reach the next level of excellence and breakthrough, and fulfil societal needs on a national and global scale. The Laboratory is a national research unit engaging in strategic, original and forward-looking scientific and technological research in artificial intelligence, aiming at achieving breakthroughs in foundational theories and core technologies.


CUHK Participates in Mainland-Hong Kong-Macau Law Education Alliance Board Meeting cum Talent Nurturing Seminar

Mainland-Hong Kong-Macau Law Education Alliance had its 2nd Board Meeting cum Legal Talent Nuturing Seminar held on 9 January 2021 online. Professor Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice President from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) joined the activities on behalf of the University. She was accompanied by Professor Wolff Lutz-Christian, Vice Chairman of the Alliance, Dean of Faculty of Law; Professor Xi Chao, Associate Dean (Research) of Faculty of Law; and Ms. Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China). The event was organized by the Chairman institution of the Alliance the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) . As the Vice-Chairman institution of the Alliance, CUHK assisted the organization of this event.

The board meeting was hosted by CUPL. Board members reviewed the achievements in 2020 and devised upcoming work plans. New alliance member was admitted at the meeting. At the subsequent seminar, delegates exchanged views and discussed on topics relating to cultivation of national legal talents and how the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao can jointly promote the training of foreign-related law talents.

The Mainland-Hong Kong-Macau Law Education Alliance was established in 2017 and CUHK has been the Vice-Chairman Institution of the Alliance since then. Enriched by the intellectual and cultural heritage of the University and connected to a wide variety of collaborations, the Faculty of Law of CUHK continues to bring together common law and Chinese law with other great legal traditions to promote justice and safeguard the rule of law. The Alliance provides a cross-border platform for the profession of law education and signifies the new stage of law education collaboration among the three regions. Members joining the Alliance included Tsinghua University, Peking University, Wuhan University, Renmin University of China, Fudan University, Sun Yat-sen University, China University of Political Science and Law, The University of Hong Kong and Macau University.


CUHK Discusses Collaboration Plans with Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) convened a meeting online on 27 January 2021 to discuss collaboration plans. CUHK representatives joining the meeting included Professor Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President; Professor Alan Chan, Provost of CUHK and Vice Chairman of the SIAT Governing Board; Professor Chan Wai-yee and Professor Sham Mai-har, Pro-Vice-Chancellors; Professsor Martin Wong, Dean of Engineering and member of SIAT Governing Board; Professor Song Chun-shan, Dean of Science; Professor Lan Hui-yao, Associate Dean (Mainland Affairs) of Medicine; Professor Xu Jianbin, Assistant Dean (Research) of Engineering and Co-Director of the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Integration Technology; and Ms. Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China).

Prof. Tuan and Prof. Fan Jianping, Director of SIAT co-chaired the meeting to update on the recent developments. A range of plans were devised including the research collaborations between SIAT and Faculties of Engineering, Science and Medicine of CUHK, talent nurturing programmes as well as strategic cooperation in the development of CAS Shenzhen University of Technology. An agreement on Joint Training Scheme was concluded at the meeting. The agreement was signed by PVC Prof. Sham of CUHK and Dr. Feng Wei, Deputy Director of Planning Office of the CAS Shenzhen University of Technology to promote in-depth collaboration in higher education and scientific research in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and cultivate research talents.

CUHK has been in close collaboration with CAS in academic exchange and joint research projects since the partnership establishment in 1980s. The two parties joined hands with Shenzhen Municipal Government to establish SIAT in February 2006. It aims to enhance the innovative capacity of the equipment manufacturing and service industries in the Guangdong-Hong Kong region. SIAT is the first national research unit with the involvement of overseas institution and the only national institute in Shenzhen.


Joint Training Scheme for PhD Students in the Greater Bay Area

Riding on the opportunity brought by the regional development, CUHK has established research institutes to provide pivotal bases to conduct teaching, research, knowledge transfer and talent exchange in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). The University’s development in the GBA will continue to be the key focus through leveraging existing footholds in the region in nurturing talents to serve the societal needs of GBA. A joint training scheme of PhD students with partner institutions or research organizations in the GBA is launched by the University to achieve the best fit with the development in the region. CUHK members are invited to apply for the Scheme to admit PhD students in cultivating high level research talents with strategic allies in the GBA.
Enquiries can be directed to the following offices:

1. Graduate School Office for general enquiries and quota bidding;
2. Office of Academic Links (China) for partnership and agreement issues.

Professor Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Professor Tang Xiao-Ou, Director of the Laboratory sign the strategic collaboration agreement on behalf of both parties

Professor Alan Chan, Provost of CUHK(3rd from left, back row); Professor Fok Tai-Fai (1st from right, back row) and Professor Sham Mai-Har (3rd from right, back row), Pro-Vice-Chancellors of CUHK; Professor Wong Suk-Ying , Associate Vice President of CUHK (2nd from right, back row); Professor ZEE Chung Ying Benny, Director of Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (2nd from left, back row); and relevant members of the Laboratory witness the signing of agreement

CUHK and the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory discuss future planning on the promoting the development and innovation breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) and related interdisciplinary areas

Group photo of principal guests at  the Mainland-Hong Kong-Macau Law Education Alliance Board Meeting cum Talent Nurture Forum

Group photo of principal guests joining Mainland-Hong Kong-Macau Law Education Alliance Board Meeting cum Talent Nurture Forum online

The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced of Chinese Academy of Sciences sign an agreement on Joint Training Scheme

Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK Prof. Sham Mai-har (front) signs an agreement on Joint Training Scheme in the presence of CUHK witnesses including (back row, from left) Provost Prof. Alan Chan, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky Tuan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Chan Wai-yee and Director of Academic Links (China) Ms. Wing Wong

CUHK and Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) convene a meeting online. CUHK representatives are (from left) Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK Prof. Sham Mai-har, Provost Prof. Alan Chan, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky Tuan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Chan Wai-yee and Director of Academic Links (China) Ms. Wing Wong

A photo of The Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced of Chinese Academy of Sciences representatives attending the online meeting

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