The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
May 01, 2017 Volume 132
Office of Academic Links(China)
Partnership and Collaboration

1. Provost of CUHK Attends SIAT Board Meeting in Shenzhen
2. Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK Joins the Third International Liberal Arts Education Conference in Shanghai


Provost of CUHK Attends SIAT Board Meeting in Shenzhen


The Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) convened its Board Meeting on 12 April.  Prof. Benjamin Wah, Provost of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Vice Chairman of the Board attended the meeting on behalf of CUHK.


The meeting was hosted by Prof. Zhang Yaping, Vice President of CAS and Chairman of the Board.  Prof. Fan Jianping, Director of SIAT, reported and concluded the institute's achievements in the previous years.  Members of the Board discussed the work plan and financial budget of the institute for the following year, as well as possible challenges in the future.  A range of specific objectives were devised during the meeting, which included strengthening talent nurturing, defining academic directions, enhancement of research standard, exploring new ways of industrializing research outcomes, as well as innovating management systems.


SIAT was jointly established by CUHK, CAS and Shenzhen Municipal Government in 2006, which aims to enhance the innovative capacity of the equipment manufacturing and service industries in the Guangdong-Hong Kong region, and to promote the development of emerging industries, possessing their own proprietary intellectual property. It is the first national research unit with the involvement of overseas institution and the only national institute in Shenzhen.  The three parties will sign a new agreement to continue the tripartite collaboration on the development of SIAT.


Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK Joins the Third International Liberal Arts Education Conference in Shanghai


The Third International Liberal Arts Education Conference was organized by Fudan University from 15 to 16 April.  Over 200 specialists, scholars and staff from more than 70 institutions all around the world, including those from Hong Kong, Macau, mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore and the United States, as well as officials from the Ministry of Education, participated in the conference.  Prof. Isabella Poon, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Prof. Leung Mei Yee, Director of University General Education attended the event on behalf of CUHK.


In the two-day conference, in-depth discussions were centred on the ideas and practices of liberal arts education, which enabled delegates to rethink the area in times of globalization, and its relation with the cultivation of talents in modern universities.  Other specific topics included curriculum development and optimization, classification and clusters of courses, learning effectiveness and evaluation, and extracurricular activities.  Prof. Poon delivered a keynote speech at the conference to share CUHK's experience in general education.


The general education programme of CUHK aims to furnish our students with a broad intellectual perspective and to engage them in active reflections on perennial issues.  The University has been actively promoting the importance of general education at university and college levels. Last year, CUHK joined the Alliance of University General Education in June as the only member from Hong Kong and signed a collaboration agreement with Fudan University in September to strengthen joint efforts in promoting general education.

Board members of SIAT pose for a group photo, including Prof. Benjamin Wah (sixth from right), Provost of CUHK

Prof. Benjamin Wah attends the SIAT meeting

The Third International Liberal Arts Education Conference takes place in Fudan University

Prof. Isabella Poon (middle), Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Leung Mei Yee (first from right), Director of University General Education join the event on behalf of CUHK

Prof. Isabella Poon (second from left), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, shares her views and experience with other delegates

Prof. Isabella Poon (left), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, visits the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Fudan University

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