The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
May 01, 2017 Volume 132
Office of Academic Links(China)
Student Interflow Programmes

1. Annual Review Meeting of the Ministry of Education (MOE) Student Interflow Programme
2. CUHK Participates in Hong Kong and Macau Sharing Day in Fudan University


Annual Review Meeting of the Ministry of Education (MOE) Ten Thousand Student Interflow Programme


The 2017 annual review meeting of the Ministry of Education (MOE) Ten Thousand Student Interflow Programme was held in Nanjing on 18 April.  Representatives from 93 universities (11 from Hong Kong, 5 from Macau and 77 from mainland China), together with officials from the State Council, the Ministry of Education, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, and the Education Bureau of HKSAR Government, attended the meeting.


Participants shared their achiements in the exchange activities under the Programme and discussed the challenges they encountered.  Plans were devised and suggestions were made for better programme implementation and coordination.  The Office of Academic Links (China) of CUHK sent representative to join the panel discussions on behalf of the University.  The meeting provided a valuable opportunity for the university representatives from Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China to enhance communication, paving the ways for effective programme organization in achieving greater impact, further benefiting more students in Hong Kong and Macau.


Launched by MOE in 2013, the interflow programme aims at supporting undergraduate and postgraduate students of tertiary institutions in Hong Kong to participate in various exchange and interflow activities in mainland China.  
CUHK has been actively participating in this Programme since it was launched.  Over the past four years, around 500 projects were completed, sending more than 7,000 students and staff members.  Some activities under the Programme are still receiving applications.  Please feel free to click
here for further details.




CUHK Participates in Hong Kong and Macau Sharing Day in Fudan University


The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) took part in a Hong Kong and Macau Sharing Day of Student Activities from 26 to 28 April.  Organized by Fudan University, the event attracted representatives from Hong Kong, Macau, East China and overseas universities to share their experience in organizing exchange programmes and introduce activities under the Ministry of Education Ten Thousand Student Interflow Programme.


CUHK students in Shanghai and Shanghai students who have visited CUHK for exchange before also participated in the activities, sharing their cultural and learning experience in both cities.  Mr. Simon Leung of Office of Academic Links (China) attended the meeting on behalf of CUHK and introduced the University's various student programmes to the local students and staff, which include term and year exchange programmes, short-term courses, opportunities of cultural exploration, research placement, academic competition as well as further studies.  Participants exchanged ideas on how to synergize and share resources in building and designing more sophisticated and innovative student interflow programmes.


CUHK has been working hand in hand with Fudan University over the years, constructing exchange platforms, with specific efforts to foster interflow of students and staff members for both universities.  The event also contributes to the development of closer relationships among Hong Kong, Macau, mainland China and overseas partner institutions, paving the way for future collaboration.


Officials and representatives of 93 universities from Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China attend the review meeting of the MOE Ten Thousand Student Interflow Programme 2017

The review meeting of the MOE Ten Thousand Student Interflow Programme 2017 takes place in Nanjing

Prof. Liu Jin, Director of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Affairs of MOE, delivers a speech in the meeting

Representatives of Hong Kong universities and Fudan University pose for a group photo on Fudan campus

Prof. Chen Zhimin (fourth from left), Associate Vice President of Fudan University, delivers a speech

Prof. Chen Zhimin (fourth from left), Associate Vice President of Fudan University, presents souvenirs to representatives of Hong Kong universities

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