The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 01, 2013 Volume 77
Office of Academic Links(China)
Call for Applications

- Conference Grant Supported by K. C. Wong Education Foundation
- Academic Seminar Supported by K. C. Wong Education Foundation



K. C. Wong Education Foundation is calling for submission of proposal. Please find the details below:


1) Conference Grant Supported by K. C. Wong Education Foundation

The Foundation welcomes applications to invite Mainland scholars to attend academic conferences in the area of science, medicine and engineering which will be held in Hong Kong between July and December 2013. Completed application forms should be sent to the Office of Academic Links (China) by March 17, 2013.


 2) Academic Seminar Supported by K. C. Wong Education Foundation

The Foundation welcomes applications to invite one faculty member of CUHK to conduct academic seminar in the Mainland in 2013. Application deadline is on March 10, 2013. Completed application forms should be sent to the Office of Academic Links (China) by 10 March, 2013.




Application guidelines, procedures and forms can be obtained from our website at: We would appreciate it if you could announce the above to members of staff for necessary action. Any enquiries could be directed to Ms. Mable Law at ext. 38725.

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Please send enquiries,
suggestions and contributions to

Contributions should be sent to the office by the 22nd day before the issue month.


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