The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Oct 04, 2008 Volume 23
Office of Academic Links(China)
Chief Scientist of China's Lunar Exploration Programme Talks at CUHK

Prof. Ouyang Ziyuan, Chief Scientist of China's Lunar Exploration Programme led a delegation of 10 scientists of the China's Lunar Exploration Program to visit the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 9 September. The aim of the visit was to understand more about the projects of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) of CUHK. Prof. Ouyuang also gave a public lecture and shared with us the progress of space exploration.

The delegation met with Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Xu Yangsheng, Associate Prof-Vice-Chancellor to know more about research and development of CUHK and visited Advanced Robotic Laboratory. The delegation visited Satellite Remote Sensing Ground Receiving Station and had an in-depth discussion with Prof. Lin Hui, Director of ISEIS and his team members on further cooperation between the two parties. ISEIS is the Hong Kong base of the National Remote Sensing Centre of China. The Institute is equipped with a middle-high resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Ground Receiving Station, which conducts various researches, including Application of Satellite Remote Sensing and Virtual Geographic Environments.


In the afternoon, Prof. Ouyang Ziyuan gave a public lecture on "The Progress of Space Exploration and the Chang'e Programme of China" in Cho Yiu Hall. The talk received overwhelming response, from more than 180 attendants of CUHK community and local experts.

Delegation from the China’s Lunar Exploration Program gave a public lecture and shared with students the progress of space exploration of China

Prof. Ouyang Ziyuan, Chief Scientist of China's Lunar Exploration Programme

Prof. Ouyang Ziyuan (left), Chief Scientist of China's Lunar Exploration Programme presents souvenir to Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chacellor of CUHK

:: Back to This Issue
:: Delegation from Chinese Academy of Engineering Visits CUHK for the "Academicians Visitorship Programme"
:: Chief Scientist of China's Lunar Exploration Programme Talks at CUHK
:: Vice-President of the Capital Medical University Visits CUHK
:: CUHK Delegation to Nankai University
:: Fresh Look of OALC Website
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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